教育经历工作经历个人简介南开大学教授、博导。美国普林斯顿大学博士后。陈志刚教授曾于2009年入选美国光学学会会士(Fellow),2015年入选美国物理学会会士(Fellow)。 研究领域本课题组每年计划招收博士生4名,硕士生6-8名。 Topological photonics and frontier physics Beam shaping and application Optical tweezers and biophotonics 教学工作==================================================================================== 课题组负责人: 兼职讲座教授: 专任教师:
博士后: Domenico Bongiovanni ==================================================================================== 在读博士研究生: 夏士齐、刘秀英、李登辉、燕文超、胡志婵、雷思弘、 贾鹏博、伍浩、王佳艺、谢雨卿、宋立敏、贺瑜 在读硕士研究生: 郝慧文、王艺驰、郭敏、詹晶谚、梁永胜、高申一、张亚辉、 张玉洁、杨国文、王钧谦、徐笑言、孙煜博、薛邦达 ==================================================================================== 科研项目1. 国家重点研发计划项目,具有拓扑特性的空间光场产生、调控及与微结构相互作用,2017/08-2022/08,在研,项目首席 论文著作Publications since 2004 (具体引用情况参见:https://publons.com/researcher/2844228/zhigang-chen/) 2021 140. S. Xia, D. Kaltsas, D. Song, I. Komis, J. Xu, A. Szameit, H. Buljan*, K. G. Makris*, and Z. Chen*, “Nonlinear control of PT-symmetry and non-Hermitian topological states”, Science, 372(6537) ,72-76 (2021). doi:10.1126/science.abf6873 139. Y. Lu, Q. Zhang, Q. Wu*, Z. Chen*, X. Liu, and J. Xu*, “Giant enhancement of THz-frequency optical nonlinearity by phonon polariton in ionic crystals, Nature Commun., accepted (2021). 138. Y. Xiang, G. Liang, P. Alvaro, X. Hu, Y. Liang, T. Kelly, Z. Shi, H. Xu and Z. Chen*, “Resonant optical nonlinearity and fluorescence enhancement in electrically tuned plasmonic nanosuspensions”, Adv. Photon. Res. 202000060 (2021). 137. Z. Shi*, M. Zuo, H. Li, D. Preece, Y. Zhang, and Z. Chen*, Topological edge states and solitons on a dynamically tunable domain wall of two opposing helical waveguide arrays, ACS Photon., https://doi.org/10.1021/acsphotonics.0c01771 (2021). 136. N Perez, J Chambers, Z Chen, A Bezryadina*, “Nonlinear self-trapping and guiding of light at different wavelengths with sheep blood,” Opt. Lett. 46, 629-632 (2021). 135. X. Liu, F. Lunić, D. Song, Z. Dai, S. Xia, L. Tang, J. Xu, Z. Chen*, H. Buljan*, “Wavepacket self-rotation and helical Zitterbewegung in symmetry-broken honeycomb lattices”, Laser Photon. Rev. accepted (2021). 134. Y. Lu, Q. Wu*, H. Xiong, S. Huang, C. Pan, J. Qi, Z. Chen*, J. Xu*, Observation of frozen-phase propagation of THz pulses in a dispersive optical system, Laser Photon. Rev. accepted (2021). 133. D. Bongiovanni, D. Li, M. Goutsoulas, H. Wu, Y. Hu, D. Song, R. Morandotti*, N. Efremidis, and Z. Chen*, “Free-space realization of tunable pin-like optical vortex beams”, Photonics Research, accepted (2021). 132. Z. Chen*, M. Segev, “Highlighting Photonics: Looking into the next decade”, accepted for publication in eLight (2021). [Invited Perspective] 131. S. Xia, D. Song*, N. Wang, X. Liu, J. Ma, L. Tang, H. Buljan*, and Z. Chen*, “Topological phenomena in photorefractive photonic lattices”, Opt. Materials Express, accepted (2021). [Invited review] 2020 130. G. Marcucci, P. Cala, W. Man, D. Pierangeli. C. Conti and Z. Chen, “Anisotropic optical shock waves in isotropic media with giant nonlocal nonlinearity”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 243902 (2020). 129. Z. Chen, H. Buljan & D. Leykam, Editorial, special issue on “Topological photonics and beyond: novel concepts and recent advances”. Light Sci.& Appl. 9, 203 (2020). 128. D. Bongiovanni, B. Wetzel, Z. Li, Y. Hu, S. Wabnitz, R. Morandotti, and Z. Chen, “Third-order Riemann pulses in optical fibers”, Opt. Express, 28, 39827 (2020). 127. Min Guo, Shiqi Xia, Nan Wang, Daohong Song, Zhigang Chen, and Jianke Yang, “Weakly nonlinear topological gap solitons in Su–Schrieffer–Heeger photonic lattices” Opt. Lett. 45, 6466 (2020). 126. P. Jia, D. Bongiovanni, Y. Hu, R. Morandotti, Z. Chen, and J. Xu, “Direct Reading of the Nonlinear Optical Response via Spatial Mapping”, Phys. Rev. Applied 14, 064001 (2020). 125. P. Zhang, Q. Kang, Y. Pei, Z. Wang, Y. Hu, Z. Chen, and J. Xu, “Unveiling chiral phase evolution in Rabi oscillations from a photonic setting”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 123201 (2020). 124. G. Marcucci, P. Cala, W. Man, D. Pierangeli. C. Conti and Z. Chen, “Anisotropic optical shock waves in isotropic media with giant nonlocal nonlinearity”, Phys. Rev. Lett. (accepted). 123. Shiqi Xia, Dario Juki, Nan Wang, Daria Smirnova, Lev Smirnov, Liqin Tang, Daohong Song, Alexander Szameit, Daniel Leykam, Jingjun Xu, Zhigang Chen & Hrvoje Buljan, “Nontrivial coupling of light into a defect: the interplay of nonlinearity and topology”, Light Sci Appl 9, 147 (2020) 122. J. Ma, J.-W. Rhim, L. Tang, S. Xia, H. Wang, X. Zheng, S. Xia, D. Song, Y. Hu, Y. Li, B.-J. Yang, D. Leykam, and Z. Chen, Direct Observation of Flatband Loop States Arising from Nontrivial Real-Space Topology, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 183901 (2020). 121. Yan W, Zhong H, Song D, Zhang Y, Xia S, Tang L, Leykam D, Chen Z. Flatband Line States in Photonic Super-Honeycomb Lattices. Advanced Optical Materials 2020, DOI: 10.1002/ADOM.201902174. 120. X. Liu+, S. Xia+, E. Jajti+, D. Song, D. Li, L. Tang, D. Leykam, J. Xu, H. Buljan and Z. Chen, Universal momentum-to-real-space mapping of topological singularities. Nature communications 11 (1), 1586 (2020). 119. L. Pilozzi, D. Leykam, Z. Chen and C. Conti, “Topological photonic crystal fibers and ring resonators”,Opt. Lett. 45, 1415 (2020). 118. N. Efremidis, M. Goutsoulas, D. Bongiovanni, D. Li, and Z. Chen, “Tunable self-similar Bessel-like beams of arbitrary order”, Opt. Lett. 45, 1830 (2020) 117. L. Tang, D. Song, S. Xia, S. Xia, J. Ma, W. Yan, Y. Hu, J. Xu, D. Leykam and Z. Chen, Photonic flat-band lattices and unconventional light localization, Nanophtonics, (2020) 9(5),1161-1176 (2020). DOI: 10.1515/nanoph-2020-0043 (Invited Review) 116. Hua Zhong, Yongdong Li, Daohong Song, Yaroslav V. Kartashov, Yiqi Zhang, Yanpeng Zhang, and Zhigang Chen, Topological Valley Hall Edge State Lasing, Laser Photonics Rev. 14, 2000001(2020). 115. Denghui Li, Domenico Bongiovanni, Michael Goutsoulas, Shiqi Xia, Ze Zhang, Yi Hu, Daohong Song, Roberto Morandotti, Nikolaos K. Efremidis, and Zhigang Chen,Direct comparison of anti-diffracting optical pin beams and abruptly autofocusing beams, OSA Continuum, 3, 1525(2020). 114. G. Marcucci, D. Pierangel, S. Gentilini, N. Ghofraniha, Z. Chen and C. Conti, Optical Spatial Shock Waves in Nonlocal Nonlinear Media, Advances in Physics: X, 4, 1662733 (2019) [Invited Review]. 113. 夏世强, 唐莉勤, 夏士齐, 马继娜, 燕文超, 宋道红, 胡毅, 许京军, 陈志刚, 平带光子微结构中的新颖现象:从模式局域到实空间拓扑,物理学报. 69(15): 154207. 2020 [Invited Review]. 112. Rekha Gautam , Anna Bezryadina , Yinxiao Xiang , Tobias Hansson , Yi Liang , Guo Liang , Josh Lamstein , Nicolas Perez , Benjamin Wetzel , Roberto Morandotti & Zhigang Chen, “Nonlinear optical response and self-trapping of light in biological suspensions” (2020), Advances in Physics: X, 5:1, 1-22 [Invited Review]. 111. L. Li, Y. Jiang, P. Jiang, X. Li, Y. Qiu, P. Jia, Z. Pi, Y. Hu, Z. Chen, and J. Xu, “Experimental observation of three-dimensional non-paraxial accelerating beams”, Opt. Express 28, 17653-17659 (2020). 110. Y. Pei, Z. Wang, Y. Hu, C. Lou, Z. Chen, and J. Xu, “Spontaneous diametric-drive acceleration initiated by a single beam in a photonic lattice”, Opt. Lett, 45, 3175-3178 (2020) 109. H. Wang, L. Tang, J. Ma, X. Zheng, D. Song, Yi Hu, Y Li, and Z. Chen, “Optical clearing and shielding with fan-shaped vortex beams, APL Photonics 5, 016102 (2020). (Featured Article) 108. S Xia, C Danieli, W Yan, D Li, S Xia, J Ma, H Lu, D Song, L Tang, S Flach, and Z. Chen, “Observation of quincunx-shaped and dipole-like flatband states in photonic rhombic lattices without band-touching” APL Photonics 5, 016107 (2020). 2019 107. H. Xu, P. Alvaro, Y. Xiang, T. Kelly, Y. Ren, C. Zhang, and Z. Chen “Plasmonic resonant nonlinearity and synthetic optical properties in gold nanorod suspensions”, Photonics Research, 7, 28 (2019). 106. Z. Shi, D. Preece, C. Zhang, Y. Xiang, and Z. Chen, “Generation and probing of 3D helical lattices with tunable helix pitch and interfaces”, Opt. Express, 27, 121 (2019). 105. Y. Qiu, X. Mu, C. Zhang, X. Sun, Yi Hu, Z. Chen, J. Xu, “Generation of non-paraxial accelerating beams by active aberration compensation”, Opt. Commun. 437, 11 (2019). 104. X. Liang, Ze Zhang, D. Li, X. Han, F. Gao, Z. Chen, “Curved Volume Waveguides Induced by Airy Beams in Negative Polarizability Nanosuspension”, Opt. Commun. 437, 90 (2019). 103. R. Gautam, Y. Xiang, J. Lamstein*, Yi Liang , A. Bezryadina , G.Liang , T. Hansson , B. Wetzel , D.Preece , A. White* , M. Silverman , S.Kazarian , J. Xu , R.Morandotti, Z. Chen, “Optical force-induced nonlinearity and self-guiding of light in human red blood cell, Light: Science & Applications 8, 31 (2019). 102. N.K. Efremidis, Z. Chen, M. Segev, D.N. Christodoulides, “Airy beams and accelerating waves: An overview of recent advances”, Optica, 6, 686 (2019). [Invited Review] 101. D. Song, D. Leykam, J.Su , X. Liu, L. Tang, S. Liu, J. Zhao, N.K. Efremidis, J. Xu, Z. Chen, “Valley vortex states and degeneracy lifting via photonic higher-band excitation”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 123903 (2019). 100. D. Bongiovanni, B. Wetzel, P. Yang, Y. Hu, Y. Qiu, J. Xu, S. Wabnitz, Z. Chen, and R. Morandotti, “Optical generation and control of spatial Riemann waves”, Opt. Lett., 44, 3542 (2019). 99. H. Zhong, Y.V. Kartashov, Y. Zhang, D. Song, Y. Zhang, F. Li, and Z. Chen, “Rabi-like oscillation of photonic topological valley Hall edge states”, Opt. Lett., 44, 3342 (2019). 98. Ze Zhang, Xinli Liang, Mihalis Goutsoulas, Denghui Li, Xiuting Yang, Shupeng Yin, Jingjun Xu, D. N. Christodoulides, N.K. Efremidis, and Z. Chen, “Robust propagation of pin-like optical beam through atmospheric turbulence” APL Photonics, 4, 076103 (2019). [Featured Article] 97. H. Wang, L. Tang, J. Ma, X. Zheng, D. Song, Yi Hu, Y Li, and Z. Chen, “Synthetic optical vortex beams from analogous trajectory change of an artificial satellite”, Photonics Research, 7, 1101 (2019). 96. Z. Li, P. Zhang, X. Mu, P. Jia, Y. Hu, Z. Chen, and J. Xu, “Guiding and routing of a weak signal via a reconfigurable gravity-like potential”, Photonics Research, 7, 1087 (2019). 95. G. Marcucci, D. Pierangel, S. Gentilini, N. Ghofraniha, Z. Chen and C. Conti, “Optical Spatial Shock Waves in Nonlocal Nonlinear Media”, Adv. In Phys. X, 4, 1662733 (2019) [Invited Review]. 94. Y Pei, Y Hu, P Zhang, C Zhang, C Lou, CE Rüter, D. N. Christodoulides, Z, Chen, J, Xu, Coherent propulsion with negative-mass fields in a photonic lattice, Optics Letters, 44, 5949 (2019). 93. P. Jia, Z. Li, Yi Hu, Z. Chen and J. Xu, “Visualizing a nonlinear response in a Schrodinger wave”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 234101 (2019). 92. Y Liang, G Liang, Y Xiang, J Lamstein, R Gautam, A Bezryadina, Z Chen, “Manipulation and Assessment of Human Red Blood Cells with Tunable “Tug-of-War” Optical Tweezers”, Physical Review Applied 12 (6), 064060 (2019). 91. R. Gautam, Y. Xiang, J. Lamstein, Yi Liang , A. Bezryadina , G. Liang , T. Hansson , B. Wetzel , D. Preece , A. White, M. Silverman , S. Kazarian , J. Xu , R. Morandotti, and Z. Chen, “Light-Guiding in Red Blood Cell Suspensions”, Opt. & Photonics News, December issue (“Optics in 2019”). 90. Ze Zhang, Xinli Liang, Mihalis Goutsoulas, Denghui Li, Xiuting Yang, Shupeng Yin, Jingjun Xu, D. N. Christodoulides, N.K. Efremidis, and Z. Chen, “Pin-Like Optical Beams to Penetrate Turbulence”, Opt. & Photonics News, December issue (“Optics in 2019”). 2018 89. Shiqi Xia, Ajith Ramachandran, Shiqiang Xia, Denghui Li, Xiuying Liu,Liqin Tang, Yi Hu, Daohong Song, Jingjun Xu, Daniel Leykam, Sergej Flach, and Zhigang Chen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 263902 (2018). 88. Z. Shi, H. Li, X. Zhu and Z. Chen, “Airy-soliton interactions in self-defocusing media with PT potentials”, EPL, 124, 14006 (2018). 87. Y. Sun, D. Leykam, S. Nenni*, D. Song, H. Chen, Y. D. Chong, and Z. Chen, “Observation of Valley Landau-Zener-Bloch Oscillations and Pseudospin Imbalance in Photonic Graphene”, Phys. Rev. Lett.121, 033904 (2018). 86. Xu Liu, Yi Hu, Pengbo Jia, Ping Zhang, Hao Wu, Zhenzhong Hao, Fang Bo, Zhigang Chen, and Jingjun Xu, Free-space coupling enhancement of micro-resonators via self-accelerating beams, Opt. Express, 26, 32055-32062 (2018) 85. Yumiao Pei, Yi Hu, Cibo Lou, Daohong Song, Liqin Tang, Jingjun Xu, and Zhigang Chen*, Observation of spatial optical diametric drive acceleration in photonic lattices, Opt. Lett. 43, 118-121 (2018) 84. RS Penciu, Y Qiu, M Goutsoulas, X Sun, Y Hu, J Xu, Z Chen, NK Efremidis, “Observation of microscale nonparaxial optical bottle beams”, Opt. Lett. 43 (16), 3878-3881(2018). 2017 83. Y.X Ren, T.S Kelly*, C. Zhang*, H. Xu and Z Chen, “Soliton-mediated orientational ordering of gold nanorods and birefringence in plasmonic suspensions”, Optics Letters 42 (3), 627-630 (2017). 82. J. Lamstein*, A. Bezryadina, D. Preece, J.C Chen, and Z. Chen, “Optical tug-of-war tweezers: shaping light for dynamic control of bacterial cells” Chinese Optics Letters 15(3), 030010(2017) (Invited). 81. P. Zhang, D. Gallardo*, S. Liu, Y. Gao, T. Li, Y. Wang, Z. Chen, and X. Zhang, “Vortex degeneracy lifting and Aharonov–Bohm-like interference in deformed photonic graphene”, Opt. Lett. 42 (5), 915-918 (2017). 80. Yi Hu, Zhili Li, Benjamin Wetzel, Roberto Morandotti, Zhigang Chen, and Jingjun Xu, Cherenkov Radiation Control via Self-accelerating Wave-packets , Sci. Reports, 7, 8695 (2017). 79. A Bezryadina, T Hansson, R Gautam, B Wetzel, G Siggins*, A Kalmbach, Josh Lamstein*, Daniel Gallardo*, Edward J Carpenter, Andrew Ichimura, Roberto Morandotti, Zhigang Chen, “Nonlinear self-action of light through biological suspensions”, Physical Review Letters 119 (5), 058101(2017). 78. A Bezryadina, T Hansson, R Gautam, B Wetzel, G Siggins*, A Kalmbach, J. Lamstein*, D. Gallardo*, E. J Carpenter, A. Ichimura, R. Morandotti, Z. Chen, “Bacterial Waveguides of Light”, Opt. & Photonics News, December issue (“Optics in 2017”). 2016 77. Yuanyuan Zong, Shiqiang Xia, Liqin Tang, Daohong Song, Yi Hu, Yumiao Pei, Jing Su, Yigang Li and Zhigang Chen*, Observation of localized flat-band states in Kagome photonic lattices, Opt. Express, 24(8), 8877-8885(2016) 76. Shiqiang Xia, Yi Hu, Daohong Song, Yuanyuan Zong, Liqin Tang and Zhigang Chen, “Demonstration of flat-band image transmission in optically induced Lieb photonic lattices,” Opt. Lett.41(7), 1435-1438 (2016) 75. P. Ni, P. Zhang, X. Qi, J. Yang, Z. Chen, and W. Man, Light localization and nonlinear beam transmission in specular amorphous photonic lattices, Opt. Express 24, 2420-2426 (2016). 74. A. Bezryadina, D. Preece, J. C Chen and Z. Chen, “Optical disassembly of cellular clusters by tunable “tug-of-war” tweezers”, Light: Science & Applications, 5,e16158 (2016) (Featured Article) 73. B. Wetzel, D. Bongiovanni, M. Kues, Y. Hu, Z. Chen, S.Trillo, J. M. Dudley, S. Wabnitz and R. Morandotti, “Experimental Generation of Riemann Waves in Optics: A Route to Shock Wave Control”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 073902 (2016). 72. D. Bongiovanni, B. Wetzel, Y. Hu, Z. Chen and R. Morandotti, “Optimal compression and energy confinement of optical Airy bullets”, Opt. Express, 24, 26454-26463 (2016). 71. Z. Chen, J. Xu, Y. Hu, D. Song, Z. Zhang, J. Zhao and Y. Liang, “Control and Novel Applications of Self-Accelerating Beams”, ACTA OPTICA SINICA, 10,125-144 (2016). 70. A. Bezryadina, D. Preece, J.C Chen and Z. Chen, “Tug-of-war’ tweezers to fight biofilm”, Opt. & Photonics News, December issue (“Optics in 2016”). 69. T.S. Kelly, Y.X Ren, A Samadi, A Bezryadina, D Christodoulides and Z. Chen, Guiding and nonlinear coupling of light in plasmonic nanosuspensions, Optics Letters, 41 (16), pp. 3817-3820 (2016) 2015 68. Song, Daohong, Liu, Sheng; Paltoglou, Vassilis, Gallardo, Daniel, Tang, Liqin; Zhao, Jianlin, Xu, Jingjun, Efremidis, Nikolaos, Chen, Zhigang, Controlled generation of pseudospin-mediated vortices in photonic graphene. 2D Materials, 2, 034007(2015) 67. Juanying Zhao, Ioannis D. Chremmos, Daohong Song, Demetrios N. Christodoulides, Nikolaos K. Efremidis and Zhigang Chen, Curved singular beams for three-dimensional particle manipulation. Sci. Rep. 5, 12086, doi: 10.1038/srep12086 (2015) 66. Juanying Zhao,I. D. Chremmos, Ze Zhang, Yi Hu, Daohong Song*, Peng Zhang, N. K. Efremidis, Zhigang Chen*. Specially shaped Bessel-like self-accelerating beams along predesigned trajectories, Sci. Bull. (2015) 60(13):1157–1169 65. D. Song, V. Paltoglou, S. Liu, Y. Zhu, D. Gallardo, L. Tang, J. Xu*, M. Ablowitz, N. K. Efremidis, and Z. Chen*, Unveiling pseudospin and angular momentum in photonic graphene, Nature Communications, 6, Article number: 6272 (2015) doi:10.1038/ncomms7272. 64. Yi Hu, A. Tehranchi*, S. Wabnitz, R. Kashyap, Z. Chen, and R. Morandotti*, Improved Intra-Pulse Raman Scattering Control via Asymmetric Airy Pulses, Phys. Rev. Lett., 114,073901 (2015). 63. S. Xia, D. Song, Y. Zong, L. Tang*, and Z. Chen, Observation of self-trapping and rotation of higher-band gap solitons in two-dimensional photonic lattices, Opt. Express, 23, 4397-4405 (2015). 2014 62. Y. Plotnik, M. C. Rechtsman, D. Song, M. Heinrich, J. M. Zeuner, S. Nolte, N. Malkova, J. Xu, A. Szameit, Z. Chen, and M. Segev, Observation of unconventional edges states in photonic graphene, Nature Material, 13, 57 (2014) 61. X. Qi, K.G. Makris, R. El-Ganainy, P. Zhang, J. Bai, D. N. Christodoulides, and Z. Chen, Observation of accelerating Wannier-Stark beams in optically induced photonic lattices, Opt. Lett., 39,1065-1068 (2014). 60. K. G. Makris, I. Kaminer, R. El-Ganainy, N. K. Efremidis, Z. Chen, M. Segev, and D.N. Christodoulides, Accelerating diffraction-free beams in photonic lattices, Opt. Lett.,39,2129-2132 (2014). 59. S. Fardad, A. Salandrino, M. Heinrich, P. Zhang, Z. Chen*, and D.N. Christodoulides*, Plasmonic Resonant Solitons in Metallic Nanosuspensions, Nano Letters, 14, 2498-2504 (2014). 2013 58. D. Deng, Y. Gao, J. Zhao, P. Zhang, and Z. Chen*, Three-dimensional nonparaxial beams in parabolic rotational coordinates,Opt. Lett., 38,3934-3936 (2013). 57. Y. Hu, D. Bongiovanni, Z. Chen, and R. Morandotti* , Multi-path multi-component self-accelerating beams through spectrum-engineered position mapping,Phys. Rev. A, accepted (2013). 56. W. Man†, S. Fardad†, Z. Zhang†, J. Prakash, M. Lau, P. Zhang, M. Heinrich, D. N. Christodoulides* and Z. Chen*, Engineered optical nonlinearities and enhanced light transmission in soft-matter systems with tunable polarizabilities, Phys. Rev. Lett., 111, 218302 (2013). 55. M. C. Rechtsman*, Y. Plotnik, J. M. Zeuner, D. Song, Z. Chen, A. Szameit, and M. Segev, Topological Creation and Destruction of Edge States in Photonic Graphene, Phys. Rev. Lett.,111, 103901(2013). 54. Y. Hu, D. Bongiovanni, Z. Chen, and R. Morandotti , Periodic self-accelerating beams by combined phase and amplitude modulation in the Fourier space , Opt. Lett.,17, 3387(2013). 53. S. Fardad, M. S. Mills, P. Zhang. W. Man, Z. Chen, and D.N. Christodoulides , Interactions between self-channeled optical beams in soft-matter systems with artificial nonlinearities, Opt. Lett.,accepted (2013). 52. Juanying Zhao, Peng Zhang, Dongmei Deng, Jingjiao Liu, Yuanmei Gao, Ioannis D. Chremmos, Nikolaos K. Efremidis, Demetrios N. Christodoulides, and Zhigang Chen, Observation of self-accelerating Bessel-like optical beams along arbitrary trajectories, Opt. Lett. , 38,498-500 (2013). 51. Yi Hu, Ming Li, Domenico Bongiovanni, Matteo Clerici, Jianping Yao, Zhigang Chen, José Azaña, and Roberto Morandotti , Spectrum to distance mapping via nonlinear Airy pulses, Opt. Lett. , 38,380-382 (2013). 2012 50. P. Zhang, Y. Hu, T. Li, D. Cannan*, X. Yin, R. Morandotti, Z. Chen, and X. Zhang, Nonparaxial Mathieu and Weber Accelerating Beams, Phys. Rev. Lett., 109, 193901 (2012). 49. P. Zhang, Yi Hu, D. Cannan*, A. Salandrino, T. Li, R. Morandotti, X. Zhang, and Z. Chen, Generation of linear and nonlinear nonparaxial accelerating beams, Opt. Lett., 37, 2820 (2012). 48. Z. Zhang, D. Cannan*, P. Zhang, J. Liu, D.N. Christodoulides, and Z. Chen, Observation of trapping and transporting air-borne particles with a single optical beam, Opt. Express,20, 16212 (2012). 47. Z. Chen, M. Segev, D.N. Christodoulides, Optical spatial solitons: historical overview and recent advances, Invited review paper, Rep. Prog. Phys., 75, xxx (2012). 46. S. Liu, Y. Hu, P. Zhang, X. Gan, C. Lou, D. Song, J. Zhao, J. Xu, and Z. Chen, Symmetry-breaking diffraction and dynamic self-trapping in optically induced hexagonal photonic lattices, App. Phys. Lett., 100, 061907 (2012). 2011 45. S. Liu, Y. Hu, P. Zhang, X. Gan, C. Lou, D. Song, J. Zhao, J. Xu, and Z. Chen, Tunable self-shifting Bloch modes in anisotropic hexagonal photonic lattices, Opt. Lett., 37, 2184-2186 (2011). 44. J. Yang, P. Zhang, M. Yoshihara*, Y. Hu, and Z. Chen, Image transmission using stable solitons of arbitrary shapes in photonic lattices, Opt. Lett.,36, 772-744 (2011). 43. J. Wang, A. Miller*, M. Ye, Y. Hu, C. Lou, P. Zhang, and Z. Chen, Nonlinear beam deflection in photonic lattices with negative defects, Phys. Rev. A, 83, 033836 (2011). 42. P. Zhang, Z. Zhang, Jai Prakash, S. Huang*, D. Hernandez*, M. Salazar*, D.N. Christodoulides, and Z. Chen, Trapping and transporting aerosols with a single optical bottle beam generated by moiré techniques, Opt. Lett., 36, 1491-1493 (2011). 41. S. Liu, Y. Hu, P. Zhang, X. Gan, F. Xiao, C. Lou, D. Song, J. Zhao, J. Xu, and Z. Chen, Anomalous interactions of spatial gap solitons in optically induced photonic lattices, Opt. Lett., 36, 1167-1169 (2011). 40. P. Zhang, N.K. Efremidis, A. Miller*, Peigen Ni, and Z. Chen, Reconfigurable 3D photonic lattices by optical induction for optical control of beam propagation, Appl. Phys. B (2011). 39. P. Zhang, J. Prakash, Z. Zhang, M.S. Mills, N.K. Efremidis, D.N. Christodoulides, and Z. Chen, Trapping and guiding micro-particles with morphing auto-focusing Airy beams, Opt. Lett. , 36, 2883-2885 (2011). 38. P. Zhang, S. Wang, Y. Liu, X. Yin, C. Lou, Z. Chen, X. Zhang, Plasmonic Airy beams with dynamically controlled trajectories, Opt. Lett. , 36,3191-3193 (2011). 37. Z. Ye, S. Liu, C. Lou, P. Zhang, Y. Hu, D. Song, J. Zhao, Z. Chen, Acceleration control of Airy beams with optically induced refractive-index gradient, Opt. Lett. , 36, 3230-3232 (2011). Before 2011 36. Y. Hu, S. Huang, P. Zhang, C. Lou, J. Xu, and Z. Chen, Persistence and break-down of Airy beams driven by an initial nonlinearity, Opt. Lett., 35, 3952 (2010). 35. P. Zhang, N. K. Efremidis, A. Miller, Y. Hu, and Z. Chen, Observation of coherent destruction of tunneling and unusual beam dynamics due to negative coupling in three-dimensional photonic lattices, Opt. Lett., 35, 3252 (2010). 34. P. Zhang, S. Huang, Y. Hu, D. Hernandez, and Z. Chen, Generation and nonlinear self-trapping of optical propelling beams, Opt. Lett., 35, 3129 (2010).(Featured on cover) 33. Yi Hu, Peng Zhang, Cibo Lou, Simon Huang, Jingjun Xu, and Z. Chen, Optimal control of the ballistic motion of Airy beams,Opt. Lett., 35, 2260 (2010). 32. P. Zhang, C. Lou, S. Liu, J. Zhao, J. Xu, and Z. Chen, Tuning of Bloch modes, diffraction and refraction by two-dimensional lattice reconfiguration, Optics Letters, 35, 892 (2010). 31. Daohong Song, Xiaosheng Wang, Daniel Shuldman, Jiandong Wang, Liqin Tang, Cibo Lou, Jingjun Xu, Jianke Yang, and Z. Chen, Observation of bandgap guidance of optical vortices in a tunable negative defect, Opt. Lett., 35, 2106 (2010). 30. P. Zhang, C. Lou, S. Liu, F. Xiao, J. Zhao, J. Xu, and Z. Chen, Hybrid nonlinearity supported by nonconventionally biased photorefractive crystal, Applied Phys B, 95, 559 (2009). 29. H. Yi, C. Lou, P. Zhang, J. Xu, J. Yang and Z. Chen, Saddle solitons: a balance between bi-diffraction and hybrid nonlinearity, Opt. Letters, 34, 3259 (2009). 28. N. Malkova, I. Hromada, X. Wang, G. Bryant and Z. Chen, Transition between Tamm-like and Shockley-like surface states in optically induced photonic superlattices, Physical Review A, 80, 043806 (2009). 27. K. J. Law, D. Song, P. G. Kevrekidis, J. Xu and Z. Chen, Geometric stabilization of extended S = 2 vortices in two-dimensional photonic lattices: theoretical analysis, numerical computation and experimental results, Physical Review A. 80, 063817 (2009) 26. P. Zhang, S. Liu. J. Zhao, C. Lou, J. Xu and Z. Chen, Optically induced transition between discrete and gap solitons in a nonconventionally biased photorefractive crystals, Opt. Letters, 33, 878 (2008). 25. X. Wang, A. Samodurov, and Z. Chen, Demonstration of surface soliton arrays at the edge of a two-dimensional photonic lattice, Opt. Letters, 33, 1240 (2008). 24. Z. Shi, J. Wang, Z. Chen and J. Yang, “Linear Instability of Two-Dimensional Low-Amplitude Gap Solitons Near Band Edges in Periodic Media, Phys. Rev. A, 78, 063812, (2008). 23. A. Szameit, X. Wang, K. G. Makris, Y. V. Kartashov, T. Pertsch, S. Nolte, Lam Bui, A. Tünnermann, A. Bezryadina, Z. Chen, D. N. Christodoulides, L. Torner, and G. I. Stegeman, “Two-Dimensional Surface Lattice Solitons”, Optics and Photonics News, Vol. 18 Issue 12, pp.42-42 (2007). 22. P. Zhang, J. Zhao, C. Lou, X. Tan, Y. Gao, Q. Liu, D. Yang, J. Xu, and Z. Chen , “Elliptical solitons in nonconventionally biased photorefractive crystals, Optics Express, Vol. 15 Issue 2, pp.536 - 544 (2007). 21. S. Suntsov, K. G. Makris, G. A. Siviloglou, R. Iwanow, R. Schiek, D.N. Christodoulides, G.I. Stegeman, R. Morandotti, H. Yang, G. Salamo, M. Volatier, V. Aimez, R. Arès, M. Sorel, Y. Min, W. Sohler, X. Wang, A. Bezryadina and Z. Chen, “Observation of One- and Two-Dimensional Discrete Surface Spatial Solitons”, J. Nonlinear Opt. Phys. & Mats.( Invited review paper) 20. X. Wang, Z. Chen, J. Wang, and J. Yang, Observation of in-band lattice Solitons,” Phys. Rev. Lett., 99, 243901 (2007). 19. C. Lou, X. Wang, J. Xu, Z. Chen, and J. Yang, “Nonlinear Spectrum Reshaping and Gap-Soliton-Train Trapping in Optically Induced Photonic Structures,” Phys. Rev. Lett, 98, 213903 (2007). 18. L. Tang, C. Lou, X. Wang, D. Song, X. Chen, J. Xu,Z. Chen, H. Susanto, K. Law, and P. G. Kevrekidis “Observation of dipole-like gap solitons in self-defocusing waveguide lattices” Opt. Lett., Vol. 32, Issue 20, pp. 3011-3013(2007) 17. X. Wang, A. Bezryadina and Z. Chen, K G. Makris, D. N. Christodoulides, and G. I. Stegeman, “Observation of two-dimensional surface solitons,” Phys. Rev. Lett., 98, 123903 (2007). 16. Z. Chen, J. Yang, Nonlinear Optics and Applications, Optically-Induced Reconfigurable Photonic Lattices for Linear and Nonlinear Control of Light, (2007) 15. J. Wang, J. Yang,Z. Chen, Two-Dimensional Defect Modes in Optically Induced Photonic Lattices Phys. Rev. A 76, 013828 (2007). 14. X. Wang, Z. Chen, and P. G. Kevrekidis, Observation of discrete solitons and soliton rotation in periodic ring lattices, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 083904 (2006). 13. X. Wang, I. Makasyuk,Z. Chen and J. Yang, “Guiding light in optically induced PCF-like structures”, December Special Issue, Optics & Photonics News(2006). 12. I. Makasyuk, Z. Chen, and J. Yang, “Bandgap guidance in optically-induced photonic lattices with a negative defect”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 223903 (2006). 11. J. Yang. I. Makasyuk, H. Martin*, P.G. Kevrekidis, B.A. Malomed, D.J. Frantzeskakis, and Z. Chen, Necklace-like solitons in optically induced photonic lattices, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 113902 (2005). 10. Z. Chen, H. Martin*, E. D. Eugenieva, J. Xu and A. Bezryadina*, Anisoptrophic enhancement of discrete diffraction and discrete soliton trains in partially coherent photonic lattices, Phys. Rev. Lett,92, 143902 (2004). 9. D.N. Neshev, T.J. Alexander, E.A. Ostrovskaya, and Y.S. Kivshar, H. Martin*, I. Makasyuk and Z. Chen, Observation of discrete vortex solitons in optically-induced photonic lattices, Phys. Rev. Lett, 92, 123903 (2004). 8. H. Martin*, E. D. Eugenieva , Z. Chen, and D. N. Christodoulides, Discrete solitons and soliton-induced dislocations in partially coherent photonic lattices, Phys. Rev. Lett,92, 123902 (2004). 7. J. W. Fleischer, D.N. Neshev, G. Bartal, Tristram J. Alexander, Oren Cohen, E. A. Ostrovskaya, Ofer Manela, H. Martin*, Jared Hudock, Igor Makasyuk,Z. Chen, D. N. Christodoulides , Yuri S. Kivshar, and M. Segev, Observation of discrete vortex solitons in 2D photonic lattices, Opt. & Photonic News, 15, 30 (2004) (December special issue, Optics in 2004). Invited Book Chapters 6. Z. Chen, and R. Morandotti eds., Nonlinear Photonics and Novel Phenomena, Springer Series in Optical Sciences,Vol 171, ISBN 978-1-4614-3537-2 (Springer, 2012). 5. J. Yang, X. Wang, J. Wang and Z. Chen, Light localization by defects in optically induced photonic structures, Invited Book Chapter, in Nonlinearities in Periodic Structures and Metamaterials, C. Denz, S. Flach, and Y. Kivshar ed., (Springer, 2010) 4. Y. Hu, G. A. Siviloglo. P. Zhang, N.K. Efremidis, D. N. Christodoulides, and Z. Chen, Generation and control of accelerating Airy beams, Invited Book Chapter, in Nonlinear Photonics and Novel Phenomena, Z. Chen, and R. Morandotti eds. in press, (Springer, 2012). 3. P. Zhang, Cibo Lou, Yi Hu, Sheng Liu, Jianlin Zhao, Jingjun Xu, and Z. Chen, Spatial beam dynamics mediated by hybrid nonlinearity, Invited Book Chapter, in Nonlinear Photonics and Novel Phenomena, Z. Chen, and R. Morandotti eds. in press, (Springer, 2012). 2. J. Yang and Z. Chen, Controlling light in reconfigurable photonic lattices, Invited Book Chapter, in Nonlinear Optics and Applications, H. Abdeldayem and D. O. Frazier ed., (Research Signpost, 2007). 1. Z. Chen* and J. Yang, Optical fabrication of photonic lattices for linear and nonlinear control of light, Special Review Book Chapter, in NONLINEAR OPTICS AND APPLICATIONS, H. Abdeldayem ed. (2006) 学术交流近期主要会议特邀学术报告:
荣誉奖励2009年入选美国光学学会会士(Fellow),2015年入选美国物理学会会士(Fellow)。 学术成果祝贺课题组博士生夏士齐获得2020年第十七届王大珩光学奖。 [中国光学学会新闻] 2021年4月2日,课题组在非厄米拓扑光子学方面的研究成果,题目为"Nonlinear tuning of PT-symmetry and non-Hermitian topological states"发表在顶级刊物 Science上 。 2021年3月17日,课题组在光子石墨烯方面的研究成果,题目为“Wavepacket self-rotation and helical Zitterbewegung in symmetry-broken honeycomb lattices”已被Laser& Photonics Reviews 接收。 2020年9月15日,课题组在拉比振荡手性效应方面获得重大突破,该研究以 “ Unveiling chiral phase evolution in Rabi oscillations from a photonic setting ” 为题发表在《Physical Review Letters》上。 论文链接: https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.123201 南开新闻:http://news.nankai.edu.cn/ywsd/system/2020/09/02/030040612.shtml 2020年8月19日,课题组在非线性拓扑光子学方面的研究获得重大突破,相关结果在线发表于《Light:Science & Applications》杂志,题目为 “Nontrivial coupling of light into a defect: the interplay of nonlinearity and topology”。 文章链接:https://www.nature.com/articles/s41377-020-00371-y 南开新闻:http://news.nankai.edu.cn/ywsd/system/2020/09/02/030040612.shtml 2020年5月4日,课题组在平带光子学方面的研究获得重大突破,相关结果在线发表于《物理评论快报》(Physical Review Letters)杂志,题目为 "Direct Observation of Flatband Loop States Arising from Nontrivial Real-Space Topology"。 论文链接: 南开新闻: 2020年3月,课题组与Hrvoje Buljan教授课题组的合作研究在拓扑光子学领域取得重要研究进展,首次实验观测并理论证明了赝自旋涡旋拓扑荷的转换与狄拉克点拓扑特性相关,揭示了动量与实空间拓扑转换的普适规律。该研究成果以“Universal momentum-to-real-space mapping of topological singularities”为题在线发表于国际权威期刊期刊《Nature Communications》(自然-通讯)。 论文链接:https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-15374-x 南开新闻:http://news.nankai.edu.cn/ywsd/system/2020/03/31/030038483.shtml 2019年8月10日,中国光学学会学术大会暨成立40周年庆典活动在安徽省合肥市举行,首届中国光学科技奖同期颁发,共7个项目获奖。南开大学独立完成的“光束传播的线性与非线性智能调控”项目获评二等奖(基础研究类),物理学科许京军、陈志刚、宋道红、胡毅、唐莉勤等为该项目主要完成人。 南开新闻:http://news.nankai.edu.cn/ywsd/system/2019/08/14/030034829.shtml 2019年6月30日-7月2日,由南开大学物理科学学院主办的拓扑光子学国际研讨会在天津召开,来自世界10余个国家地区以及全国各省市的250余名代表参加了这次会议。 2016年诺贝尔物理学奖颁发给了拓扑物理学理论的相关研究,极大证明了拓扑这一数学概念对整个科学以及人类进步方面的重要性与影响力。南开大学陈省身先生正是世界公认的拓扑领域先驱与重要奠基人,在这个领域具有极高的学术声望与影响力。值此南开大学百年校庆之际,同时为了纪念陈省身先生逝世15周年,作为南开大学百年校庆学术与交流系列活动之一,这次“拓扑光子学国际研讨会”邀请了包含多位英国、以色列、美国科学院院士在内的20余位相关领域的顶尖科学家共聚一堂、共襄盛举。英国皇家爵士、英国皇家科学院院士、英国布里斯托大学迈克-贝里教授应邀作题为“Geometric Phases and the Separation of the World”的百年南开大讲坛专场报告。来自英国、以色列、美国等国家地区的20余位拓扑领域顶尖科学家针对拓扑光子学的最新进展进行了多场专题邀请报告,同时国内40余所高校师生通过海报展示了自己在相关领域的最新工作,10名学生获得了最佳海报奖。会场讨论相当热烈,给广大参会师生留下了深刻印象。通过此次拓扑光子学国际研讨会的举办,极大提升了南开大学及物理学科的国际知名度,并以此带动物理学院同国际顶尖课题组间的合作与交流,向南开大学百年校庆献礼。这次拓扑光子学国际研讨会得到了南开大学校庆办、国家重点研发计划等的资助,物理科学学院陈志刚教授、许京军教授为大会共主席, 任梦昕、蔡卫、胡毅、唐莉勤、李勇男、宋道红等六位青年教师为主要组织者,物理学院30名学生志愿者参与了会务工作。 南开新闻:http://news.nankai.edu.cn/ywsd/system/2019/07/22/030034596.shtml 2019年3月29日,课题组在光子学人工微结构与前沿物理方面的研究获得重大突破。该课题组的研究成果以“Valley vortex states and degeneracy lifting via high band excitation”为题,于今年3月29日发表在物理学顶尖期刊《Physical Review Letters》上。 论文链接:https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.123903 南开新闻:http://news.nankai.edu.cn/ywsd/system/2019/04/05/000441836.shtml 2015年7月9日-12日,由我校泰达应用物理研究院和物理科学学院共同主办的第三届学术研讨会“光子学前沿”在泰达学院举行。此次会议为来自美国、加拿大、英国、德国、意大利等10个国家和地区的30余位专家、学者提供了一个高水平的学术交流与国际合作的平台。会议期间,美国密西根大学Steven Cundiff教授、德国耶拿大学Ulf Peschel教授、加拿大国立科学院Roberto Morandotti教授等15位国际知名光学专家围绕“纳米光子学、非线性光学、光纤与集成光学、量子光学、表面等离子体激元学、超快光子学、生物光子学”等主题做了精彩的学术报告。受邀专家学者与来自国内15所知名高校和研究所的60余名师生,围绕光学学科目前最前沿的领域展开了充分的交流和讨论。 2015年2月17日,Nature子刊《Nature Communications》(自然·通讯)发表了我们实验室在光子石墨烯方面的研究成果,题目为“Unveiling pseudospin and angular momentum in photonic graphene”。 http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2015/150217/ncomms7272/full/ncomms7272.html. 课题组在光子石墨烯(photonic graphene)新型边缘态方面的研究获得重大突破,相关结果在线发表于2013年11月10日《自然-材料》(Nature Materials)杂志(IF35.7)。 http://www.nature.com/nmat/journal/vaop/ncurrent/abs/nmat3783.html. 在此基础上相关课题组进一步合作在变形的光子石墨烯中实验实现了基于拓扑效应而产生的新型边缘态,相关工作发表在物理顶级期刊《物理评论快报》(Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 103901 (2013))上,题为“Topological Creation and Destruction of Edge States in Photonic Graphene ”。 2009年2月陈志刚教授被授予OSA Fellow称号! Prof. Chen elected as the 2009 fellow of the Optical Society of America! The first international mini-workshop on Discrete Optics took place in TEDA Applied Physics School of Nankai University, China from June 13 to June 14, 2008. |