



  • 部门: 数学科学学院
  • 性别:
  • 出生年月:
  • 专业技术职务: 教授
  • 研究标签:
  • 毕业院校: 南开大学
  • 学位: 博士
  • 学历:
  • 联系电话: 022-23503116
  • 电子邮箱: yjwang@nankai.edu.cn
  • 办公地址: 数学学院楼#106
  • 通讯地址: 天津市八里台南开大学数学学院
  • 邮编: 300071
  • 传真:


1965年10月出生, 安徽省安庆市潜山县(市)人。

                 获理学硕士学位(导师:吴 荣教授);










        南开大学数学学院常务副院长(2002-2003)和院长(2003-2008);南开大学深圳金融工程学院金融工程研究中心主任(2005-2007);南开大学商学院(负责国际学术合作和国际认证)副院长(2008-2015);上海金融学院国际金融研究院(外聘)院长和国际金融学院(外聘)院长(2012-2015); 南开大学数学学院数理金融与精算系(兼)主任(2009-2016);  ......





    2008年4月开始关注和研究概率论与金融期权(金融工程)(同时任南开大学商学院教授和博士生导师至今)。 过去三十年已在数学(概率论)国际期刊发表系列学术论文, 同时近十年来在金融、管理国际期刊也发表了系列学术研究论文(见论文专著栏)。

    2006年5月在南开大学(与南开同事一起)发起和组织了“第二届全国概率统计青年学者会议”(参会人数400余人,地点:陈省身数学研究所);2011年4月在南开大学(与Zhang Tusheng教授)组织了“SPDEs and related topics" 国际学术会议(地点:陈省身数学研究所); 2013年6月在南开大学(与李勇建教授)组织了“随机服务与运作管理学术年会”(参会人员100余人, 地点: 南开大学商学院MBA大楼), 2020年3月在南开大学(与汤善健教授)组织“动态规划与最优停止问题国际学术会议”(地点: 陈省身数学研究所, 因新冠疫情推迟); ......


数学(现代概率论)】 典型类马尔可夫过程(Markov Processes)轨道性质与位势理论研究;


                    随机场(Random Fields)的分析与应用。

金融工程与管理科学】 金融期权(Financial Options)与金融衍生品(远期、期货与互换)

                    定价(Pricing)与风险对冲(hedging);随机波动率(stochastic volatilities)分析;

                    结构化金融产品(Structured Financial Products)

                    与资产证券化(Assets Securitization)分析。

  做正确的事, 找一群正确的人, 用正确的方法把事情做正确” (James Simons)



1.  概率论(数学学院)  

               ( 复旦大学:概率论基础, 高等教育出版社)

2.  随机分析(数学学院)

(Ioannis Karaztas (Columbia U.) and Steven E. Shreve(Carnegie Mellon U.)    

                Brownian motion and stochastic calculus) 

3.  计量金融学(商学院

               (Jeffrey M. Wooldridge  (Pen. State U.), 

               Introductory  Econometrics  A modern approach)

4.  期货与期权(商学院) 

              (Robert L. McDonald(西北大学凯洛格商学院),  

                 衍生品市场基础,  机械工业出版社)




  (主持人 复旦大学数学学院 汤善健教授, 2017年1月--2021年12月, No. 11631004)

 (主持人  北大光华管理学院 陈松蹊教授, 2016年1月--2020年12月, No. 71532001) 

  国家自然科学基金面上项目: 典型类随机过程的现代理论研究及其在信用风险研究中的应用 
 (主持 2013年1月---2016年12月, No. 11271203)

 (主持 2009年1月---2011年12月, No. 309009 )

  国家自然科学基金项目: 超过程及其相关的SPDE研究 
 (主持 2009年1月---2011年12月, No. 10871103) 


 教育部国家留学回国人员基金、国家自然科学基金(青年项目)、国家自然科学基金(重点项目)等国家科研项目。 已经完成的研究项目包括:

1997,01--2001,12:国家自然科学重点基金项目(No. 19631060)
2002,01--2005,12:国家自然科学重点基金项目(No. 10131040)
2005,01--2007,12:国家自然科学基金项目(No. 10471003)
2007,01--2009,12:国家自然科学基金项目(No. 10671036) 等。



[32]Shiyu Song & Yongjin Wang, On first passage times of sticky reflecting diffusion processes with double exponential jumps.  【J. Appl. Prob.】, 57(1), 221-236, 2020.

[31]Suxin Wang, Yiming Jiang & Yongjin Wang,  Stochastic partial differential equation with reflection driven by fractional noises,  【Stochastics】, 92:1, 46-66, 2020.

[30]Jiang Y, Song S, Wang Y. Some explicit results on one kind of sticky diffusionJ. Appl. Prob.】56(2): 398-415, 2019.

[29]王永进, 徐光利, 宋世禹. 斜扩散过程的构造、性质及其应用, 【中国科学:数学】,49(3), 214-231, 2019
[28]  Lijun Bo,Yongjin Wang, The pricing of basket options: A weak convergence approach,  【Operations Research Letters】,Vol. 45,  119–125, 2017.
 [27]Shiyu Song,Guangli Xu,Yongjin Wang,On first hitting times for skew CIR processes.  【Methodology and Computing in Appl. Prob.】, Vol. 18 , 169–180, 2016.
 [26] Suxin Wang,Shiyu Song,Yongjin Wang,Skew Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes and their financial applications,【J. Comput. & Appl. Math.】,  273 , 363–382, 2015.
 [25] Lijun Bo, Yongjin Wang and Xuewei Yang, Stochastic portfolio optimization with default risk, 【 J. Math. Anal.  Appl.】 vol.397(2), 467-480, 2013.
 [24] Yiming Jiang, Xingchun Wang and Yongjin Wang, Stochastic wave equation of pure jumps: existence, uniqueness and invariant measures, 【Nonlinear  Anal.】 vol.75(13), 5123-5138, 2012.
 [23] Yiming Jiang, Xingchun Wang and Yongjin Wang, On a stochastic fractional partial differential equation with a fractional noise,  【Stochastics】,  vol.84(1), 21-36, 2012.
 [22] Yongjin Wang, Yiming Jiang and Xinchunwang, On a stochastic heat equation with first order fractional noises and applications to finance, 【J. Math. Anal. Appl.】 vol.396(2), 656-669, 2012.
 [21] Lijun Bo and Yongjin Wang, On a stochastic interacting model with stepping-stone noises, 【Stat. & Prob. Letters】, vol.81(8), 1300-1305, 2011.
 [20] Lijun Bo, Kehua Shi and Yongjin Wang,   Variational solutions of dissipative jump-type stochastic evolution equations, 【J. Math. Anal. Appl.】 vol.373(1)111–126, 2011.
 [19] Lijun Bo,  Kehua Shi and Yongjin Wang,   Support theorem for a stochastic Cahn-Hilliard equation, 【Electron J. Probab.】 vol.15, no. 17, 484–525, 2010.

 [18] Lijun Bo,  Kehua Shi and Yongjin Wang,   On a stochastic wave equation driven by a non-Gaussian Lévy process. 【J. Theor. Prob.】 vol.23, no. 1, 328–343, 2010.

[17] Lijun Bo, Yongjin Wang  and Xuewei Yang,   An optimal portfolio problem in a defaultable market, 【Adv.  Appl. Prob.】, vol.42, 689-705, 2010.

 [16] Yiming Jiang and Kehua Shi  and Yongjin Wang,  Stochastic fractional Anderson models with fractional noises. 【Chinese Ann. Math. B.】vol.31 , no. 1, 101–118, 2010.

[15] Lijun Bo, Yongjin Wang, Xuewei Yang and Guannan Zhang, Maximum likelihood estimation for reflected Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, 【J.  Stat.  Planning and Inference 】, vol. 140, 588–596, 2010.

 [14] Kehua Shi  and  Yongjin Wang, On a stochastic fractional partial differential equation driven by a Lévy space-time white noise.【 J. Math. Anal. Appl.】 vol.364, no. 1, 119–129, 2010.
 [13] Yongjin Wang, Xiaoyu Xing and Wei Zhang, The stationary distributions of two classes of reflected Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes. 【J. Appl. Prob.】 vol.46, no. 3,709–720, 2009.
 [12] Yiming Jiang, Yongjin Wang,Self-intersection local times and collision local times of bifractional Brownian motions. 【Sci. China Ser. A】, vol.52, no. 9,1905–1919, 2009. 
 [11] Lijun Bo, Kehua Shi and Yongjin Wang, Approximating solutions of neutral stochastic evolution equations with jumps, 【Sci. China Ser. A】, vol.52, no. 5,895–907, 2009.
 [10] Lijun Bo, Xueqiang Wang and Yongjin Wang, From Markov jump systems to two species competitive Lotka-Volterra equations with diffusion. 【Acta. Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.) 】vol.25, no. 1, 157–170, 2009.
 [9] Lijun Bo, Yiming Jiang and Yongjin Wang, Stochastic Cahn-Hilliard equation with fractional noise, 【Stochastics and Dynamics】 vol.18(4): 643-665, 2008.
 [8] Lijun Bo, Yongjin Wang and Yiming Jiang, On a class of Stochastic Anderson Models with Fractional Noises, 【Stoch.  Anal. Appl.】 vol.26, 256-273, 2008.
 [7] Lijun Bo, Dan Tang and Yongjin Wang, Explosive solutions of stochastic wave e quations with damping on R, 【J.  Differntial Equations.】 vol.244, 170-187, 2008.
 [6] Lijun Bo, Liqing Yan and Yongjin Wang, Higher-order stochastic partial differential equations with branching noises, 【Frontiers of Math. in China】, vol.3(1): 15-35, 2008.
 [5] Lijun Bo, Kehua Shi and Yongjin Wang, On a nonlocal stochastic Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation with jumps, 【Stoch. & Dyn.】 vol.7(4), 439-457, 2007.
 [4] Bo L. J., Wang Y.J, Zhang, L. D, On the first passage times of reflected O-U processes with two-sided barriers, 【Queueing Syst.】 vol.54, no. 4, 313-316, 2006.
 [3] Lijun Bo and Yongjin Wang, Stochastic Cahn-Hilliard partial differential equations with Lévy spacetime white noises, 【Stoch. & Dyn.】 vol.6, no. 2, 229-244, 2006.
 [2] Y. S. Xing and Yongjin Wang, On the extinction of a class of population-size-dependent bisexual branching processes, 【J. Appl. Probab.】 vol.42, no. 1, 175-184, 2005.

[1]Yongjin Wang,  An alternative approach to super-Brownian motion with a locally infinite branching mass.  【Stoch.Proc. Appl.】, 102 (2) , 221–233, 2002.



[23]Kailin Ding, Zhenyu Cui & Yongjin Wang,  A Markov chain approximation scheme for option pricing under skew diffusions, 【Quantitative Finance】,  21(3),  461–480, 2021.

[22]Shiyu Song, Guanying Wang & Yongjin Wang,  Pricing European options under a diffusion model with psychological barriers and leverage effect.【European J.  Finance】, 26:12, 1184-1206, 2020.

[21]Shiyu Song, Yongjin Wang & Guangli Xu, On the probability of default in a market with price clustering and jump risk. 【Math. Finan. Econ. 】14, 225–247, 2020.

[20]Lijun Bo; Dan Tang; Yongjin Wang, Optimal investment of variance-swaps in jump-diffusion market with regime-switching.  【J. Econ. Dyn. & Control】 83, 175–197, 2017. 

 [19]  Shiyu Song,Yongjin Wang,  Pricing Double Barrier Options under a Volatility Regime-switching Model with Psychological Barriers. 【Review of Derivatives Research】, 20(3), 255-280, 2017.  

 [18] Xingchun Wang,Shiyu Song,Yongjin Wang,The Valuation of Power Exchange Options with Counterparty Risk and Jump Risk.【Journal of Futures Markets】, 37(5), 499-521, 2017.   

 [17] Xiaoyang Zhuo,Guangli Xu,Yongjin Wang, The Issuer-pays Business Model and Competitive Rating Market: Rating Network Structure.【Journal of Real Estate Finance & Economics】, 52, 2016. 

 [16] Guangli Xu,Shiyu Song,Yongjin Wang,  The Valuation of Options on Foreign Exchange Rate in a Target Zone.【Inter. J. Theo. & Applied Finance】, 19 (3),2016.  

 [15] Xingchun Wang,Jianping Fu,Guanying Wang,Yongjin Wang, Quadratic hedging strategies for volatility swaps.【Finance Research Letters】, 15:125-132, 2015.  

 [14] Xindan Li, Dan Tang, Yongjin Wang and  Xuewei Yang, Optimal processing rate and buffer size of a jump-diffusion processing system, 【Annals of Operations Research】 vol. 217, 319-335,2014.  

 [13] Xingchun Wang  and  Yongjin Wang, Hedging strategies for discretely monitored Asian options under Lévy processes,  【J. Industrial Management Optimizations】vol. 10, no. 4, 1209–1224,2014.   

 [12] Guanying Wang, Xingchun Wang and Yongjin Wang, Rare shock, two-factor stochastic volatility and currency option pricing, 【Appl. Math. Finance】  vol.21, no. 1, 32–50, 2014.    

 [11] Xingchun Wang and  Yongjin Wang , Variance-optimal hedging for target volatility options, 【J. Industrial Management  Optimizations】  vol.10, no. 1, 207–218, 2014.  

 [10] Lihui Tian, Guanying Wang, Xingchun Wang, Yongjin Wang, Pricing Vulnerable Options with Correlated Credit Risk Under Jump‐Diffusion Processes, 【 Journal of Futures Markets】 vol.34, No. 10, 957-979,2014.
 [9] Lijun Bo, Xindan Li , Yongjin Wang, Xuewei Yang , On the conditional default probability in a regulated market with jump risk, 【Quantitative  Finance】   vol. 13, no. 12, 1967–1975,2013.  

 [8] Lijun Bo, Yongjin Wang  and  Xuewei Yang , Kernel-correlated Lévy field driven forward rate and application to derivative pricing, 【Appl. Math. Optimizations 】  68 (1) 21–41,2013.

 [7] Jianping Fu, Xingchun Wang and Yongjin Wang, Credit Spreads, Endogenous Bankruptcy and Liquidity Risk,【Computational  Management Sciences】, vol. 9, No. 4,  515--530, 2012.
 [6] Lijun Bo,Yongjin Wang  and Xuewei Yang, Some integral functionals of reflected SDEs and theirs applications in finance,  【Quantitative Finance】, vol. 11, No. 3, 343—348, 2011.
 [5] Qin Hu, Yongjin Wang and Xuewei Yang, The hitting time density for a reflected Brownian motion, 【Computational Economics 】, vol.40(1), 1-18, 2012.
 [4] Dan Tang, Yongjin Wang and Yuzhen Zhou,   Counterparty risk for Credit Default Swap with States
Related Default  Intensity Processes, 【Inter.  J.   Theo. and Applied Finance】, vol.14, No.8,  1335--1353, 2011.
 [3] Lijun Bo, Yongjin Wang and Xuewei Yang, Derivative Pricing Based on the Exchange Rate in a Target Zone with Realignment, 【Inter.  J.  Theo.and Applied Finance】, vol. 14, No.6, 945-956, 2011. 

  [2] Lijun Bo, Yongjin Wang and Xuewei Yang, Markov-modulated jump-diffusions for currency option pricing, 【Insurance: Math. & Economics 】 , vol.46(3), 461–469, 2010. 

  [1] Lijun Bo, Dan Tang, Yongjin Wang and Xuewei Yang, On conditional default probability in a regulated market: a structural approach,  【Quantitative Finance】, vol.11, No.12, 1695-1702, 2011.



16.爱荷华大学(University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA),201911月。

15.莱斯大学(Rice University, Texas, USA, 20186月。斯坦福大学(Stanford University,

          California, USA),20188月。

14.康考迪亚大学(Concordia University, Quebec, Canada),卡尔顿大学(Carleton University,

      Ottawa, Canada)和滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo, Ontario,Canada, 20174月。

13.法国高商(新加坡)(ESSEC at Singapore), 2015年10月。

12.北卡罗莱纳大学(夏洛特分校)(University of North Carolina at Charlotte)和

      伊利诺伊斯大学(香槟分校)(UIUC), 2015年3月和4月。

11.国立新加坡大学(The National University of Singapore),  2012年6月。

10.曼彻斯特大学( University of Manchester, U.K.)和牛津大学(University of Oxford,U.K.),


9. 伦敦政治经济学院(London School of Economics and Political Science, London, U.K.),

8. 牛津大学(University of Oxford, London) 和 曼彻斯特大学( University of Manchester,U.K.),


7. 墨尔本大学(University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia),2006年10月-2007年1月。

6. 不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada),2005年6月-8月。

5. 卡尔顿大学(Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada), 2004年7月和8月。

4. 不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia,Vancouver,Canada),


3. 不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada),2000年7月和8月。

2. 菲尔兹数学研究所(Fields Institute for Mathematical Sciences, University of Toronto,

      Toronto, Canada), 1999年3月和4月。

1. 维尔斯特拉斯应用分析和随机研究所(Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis

      and Stochastics, Berlin), 1996年3月和4月。




学位: 博士

毕业院校: 南开大学

邮件: yjwang@nankai.edu.cn

办公地点: 数学学院楼#106

电话: 022-23503116


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