教育经历工作经历研究领域李群、微分几何 教学工作科研项目论文著作代表性论文: 1.S. Deng, Homogeneous Finsler Spaces, Springer Monographs in Mathematics, Springer, New York, 2012. 2.S. Deng, On the symmetry of Riemannian manifolds, J. Reine Angew. Math., 680 (2013), 235-256. 3.S. Deng, Z. Hu, Curvatures of homogeneous Randers spaces, Advances in Mathematics, 240 (2013), 194-226. 4.Z. Yan, S. Deng, Einstein metrics on compact simple Lie groups attached to standard triples, Transactions of AMS, 369 (2017), 8587-8604. 5.S. Deng and J. A. Wolf, Locally symmetric homogeneous Finsler spaces, International Mathematical Research Notices, 2013, no. 18, 4223-4242. 6.S. Deng, Finsler metrics and the degree of symmetry of a closed manifold, Indiana U. Math. J., 60 (2011), 713-728. 7.S. Deng, Z. Hou, The group of isometries of a Finsler space, Pacific J. Math., 207 (2002), 149-155. 8.Z. Hu, S. Deng, Homogeneous Finsler spaces with isotropic S-curvature and positive flag curvature, Math. Z., 270 (2012), 989-1009. 9.S. Deng, On the classification of weakly symmetric Finsler spaces, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 181 (2011), 29-52. 10.S. Deng, Z. Hou, Weakly symmetric Finsler spaces, Comm. Contemp. Math., 12 (2010), 309-323. 11.S. Deng, Z. Hou, On symmetric Finsler spaces, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 162 (2007), 197-219. 12.M. Xu, S. Deng, L. Huang, Z. Hu, Even dimensional homogeneous Finsler spaces with positive flag curvature, Indiana U. Math. J., 66 (2017), 949-972. 13.M. Xu, S. Deng, Normal homogeneous Finsler spaces, Transformation Groups, 22 (2017), 1143-1183. 14.M. Xu, S. Deng, Geodesic and curvature of piecewise flat Finsler surfaces, J. Geom. Anal., 28 (2018), 1341-1372. 15.S. Deng, M. Xu, Left invariant Clifford-Wolf homogeneous (\alpha,\beta)-metrics on compact semisimple Lie groups, Transformation Groups, 20 (2015), 395-416. 16.S. Deng and Ming Xu, Clifford-Wolf translations of left invariant Randers metrics on compact Lie groups, Quarterly J. Math., 65 (2014), 133-148. 17.S. Deng and Ming Xu, Clifford-Wolf translations of homogeneous Randers spheres, Israel J. Math., 199 (2014), 507-525. 学术交流荣誉奖励学术成果 |