教育经历1998/9 - 2001/6,北京师范大学,基础数学,博士 1995/9 - 1998/7,厦门大学,基础数学,硕士 1991/9 - 1995/7,厦门大学,数学,学士
工作经历2009年1月至今任南开大学数学学院教授,博士生导师。 2008 年1月至2008 年12月访问美国南卡罗莱纳大学工业数学研究所,任访问研究教授。 2003年7月至2007年12月任南开大学数学学院副教授,硕士生导师。 2001年7月至2003年6月在中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院数学所博士后。 个人简介研究领域多元函数逼近、机器学习、数值分析、信号处理 教学工作讲授课程 本科生:数值逼近 研究生:逼近论及其应用 科研项目几类贪婪型算法的逼近性能分析 国家自然科学基金面上项目,11271199、多元函数的稀疏逼近与随机逼近、2013/01-2016/12、75万元、在研、主持。 2、国家自然科学基金面上项目,10971251、多元逼近的贪婪算法与量子算法、2010/01-2012/12、30万元、已结题、主持。 3、国家自然科学基金面上项目,60675010、基于超曲面的覆盖分类算法与理 论研究、2007/01-2009/12、25万元、已结题(被评为优秀)、参加。 4、国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,10501026、若干髙维连续问题的计算复杂性、2006/01-2008/12、14万元、已结题、主持。 1国家自然科学基金天元基金项目 国家自然科学基金面上基金项目:高维小波非线性逼近 论文著作专著: 盛宝怀、叶培新、陈志祥:核学习中的非光滑分析法,科学出版社,2012. 译著 实分析[美]罗伊登(Royden H.L.)叶培新译 机械工业出版社, / 2006-01 实分析[美]伊莱亚斯 M 斯坦恩著;叶培新译 机械工业出版社,2017-06 实分析[美]罗伊登(Royden H.L.)叶培新、李雪华译 机械工业出版社, / 2006-01 论文 Guo Qin,Ye Peixin, Error analysis of the moving least-squares method with non-identical sampling, Int. J. Comput.Math. 96(4) (2019),pp. 761–783. (SCI) Wei Xiujie,Ye Peixin, Efficiency of orthogonal super greedy algorithm under the restricted isometry property,Journal of Inequalities and Applications (2019),124 (SCI) .Qin Guo, Cheng Wang, Peixin Ye. Coefficient-based l q -regularized regression with indefinite kernels and unbounded sampling. Journal of Approximation Theory, 2018, 236, 1-22. (SCI) .Qin Guo, Peixin Ye.Error Analysis of Least-Squares l q-Regularized Regression Learning Algorithm With the Non-Identical and Dependent Samples, IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 43824-43829, (SCI) 3.Qin Guo, Peixin Ye, Binlei Cai. Convergence Rate for l q -Coefficient Regularized Regression With Non-i.i.d. Sampling, IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 18804- 18813, (SCI) 4.Qin Guo, Peixin Ye. Error analysis for lq-coefficient regularized moving least-square regression. Journal of Inequalities and Applications (2018),262 (SCI) 5. Qin Guo, Peixin Ye. Convergence rate for the moving least-squares learning with dependent sampling,Journal of Inequalities and Applications (2018),200 (SCI) 6.Shao Chunfang,Ye Peixin, Lebesgue constants for Chebyshev thresholding greedy algorithms,Journal of Inequalities and Applications (2018),102(SCI) Liu Huanxiang,Sheng Baohuai,Ye Peixin,The improved learning rate for regularized regression with RKBSs,Int. J. Mach. Learn. & Cyber.,2017,8,1235-1245。(SCI) Guo Qin,Ye Peixin, Coefficient-based regularized regression with dependent and unbounded sampling, Int. J. Wavelets, Multiresolut. Infor. Process.Vol. 14, No. 5, 2016 1650039 (14 pages) (SCI) 1.Ye Peixin, Weixiujie, Efficiency of weak greedy algorithms for m-term approximations, SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics,59, 2016,No. 4, 697-714 (SCI) Sheng Baohuai, Xiang Daohong, Ye Peixin, Convergence rate of semi-supervised gradient learning algorithms, Int. J. Wavelets, Multiresolut. Infor. Process.Vol. 13, No. 4, 2015 1550021 (26 pages) Zhan-jie SONG, Pei-xin YE(通讯作者), Ping WANG, Shou-zhen ZENG,Uniform Truncation Error for Shannon Sampling Expansion from Local Averages,Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series,Vol. 31, No. 1,2015 121–130 8. Long Jingfan, Ye Peixin(通讯作者) : Weak greedy algorithms for nonlinear approximation with quasi-greedy bases, WSEAS Trans.on Math.,Vol.13,2014, 525-534. V.N. Temlyakov, Mingrui Yang and Peixin, Ye, Lebesgue-type inequalities for greedy approximation with respect to quasi-greedy bases, East. J. Approx 2011,17,(2) 203-214 22.V. N. Temlyakov, Mingrui Yang and Peixin Ye, Greedy approximation with regard to non-greedy bases, Adv in Comput. Math., 2011, 34: 319-337 Ye Peixin,Hu Xiaofei,Optimal integration error on anisotropic classes for restricted Monte Carlo and quantum algorithms, J. Approx. Theory(150) 2008, 24-47 Song zhanjie, Ye Peixin,Optimal query error of quantum approximation on some Sobolev classes,Science in China Series A: Mathematics , 2008, Vol. 51, No. 9, 1664-1678 Optimal error bound of restricted Monte Carlo integration on anisotropic Sobolev classes ) Charles A. Micchelli1, Yuesheng Xu2 and Peixin Ye3 Cucker Smale Learning Theory in Besov Spaces Complexity of deterministic and randomized methods for multivariate integration problems for the class H(p)(Lambda)(I(d))IMA. J. Numer. Anal. 2005, 25:473-485 Fang Gensun,Ye Peixin Probabilistic and average linear widths of Sobolev space with Gaussian measureJ Constu.Approx,2004 Fang Gensun, Ye Peixin Probabilistic and average linear widths of Sobolev space with Gaussian measureJ. Complexity19(2003),no. 1,73–84 学术交流荣誉奖励2010年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划 学术成果1贪婪逼近 2机器学习 3量子计算 4信号处理 |