
许京军 教授 (Prof. Dr. Jingjun XU)

学位: 博士

直属机构: 光学

邮件: jjxu@nankai.edu.cn

办公地点: 南开大学津南校区东业务楼202房间

电话: +86-22-88358596




  • 部门: 物理学院
  • 性别:
  • 出生年月:
  • 专业技术职务: 教授
  • 研究标签:
  • 毕业院校: 南开大学
  • 学位: 博士
  • 学历:
  • 联系电话: +86-22-88358596
  • 电子邮箱: jjxu@nankai.edu.cn
  • 办公地址: 南开大学津南校区东业务楼202房间
  • 通讯地址: 南开大学物理学院
  • 邮编: 300071
  • 传真: +86-22-88358596


1984年09月至1988年07月   南开大学物理系物理学 学士

1988年09月至1991年07月   南开大学物理系固体物理 硕士
1991年09月至1993年12月   南开大学物理系凝聚态物理 博士


1996年至今 南开大学 物理学 教授

1998年    获国家杰出青年基金资助

1999年    教育部长江学者奖励计划特聘教授 






(Condensed matter photonics)






(Nonlinear Optical Physics,Materials and Applications in Light control by light).








List of selected publications2019-

(updated on 2021.09.10)

1.Ping ZhangYi HuDomenico BongiovanniZhili liRoberto MorandottiZhigang ChenJingjun XuUnveiling the Link between Airy-Like Self-Acceleration and Diametric Drive AccelerationAugust 2021 Physical Review Letters 127(8).

2.Yao Lu, Qi Zhang, Qiang Wu, Zhigang Chen, Xueming LiuJingjun XuGiant enhancement of THz-frequency optical nonlinearity by phonon polariton in ionic crystalsMay 2021Nature Communications 12(1):3183

3.Shiqi Xia, Dimitrios Kaltsas, Daohong Song, Ioannis Komis, Jingjun Xu, Alexander Szameit,Hrvoje Buljan, Konstantinos G. Makris, Zhigang ChenNonlinear tuning of PT symmetry and non-Hermitian topological statesScience 372, 72–76 (2021) 2 April 2021

4.Jinchao Liu,Di Zhang, Dianqiang Yu,MengxinRen and Jingjun XuMachine learning powered ellipsometryLight: Science & Applications(2021)10:55

5.B.F. Gao, M. X. Ren, W. Wu, W. Cai, and J. J. Xu, Electro-optic lithium niobate metasurfaces, Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron.64, 240362 (2021).

6.Liu, X., Xia, S., Jajtić, E., Song, D., Li, D., Tang, L., Leykam, D., Xu, J., Buljan, H., Chen, Z.Universal momentum-to-real-space mapping of topological singularities (2020) Nature Communications, 11 (1)1586.

7.Xia, S., Jukić, D., Wang, N., Smirnova, D., Smirnov, L., Tang, L., Song, D., Szameit, A., Leykam, D., Xu, J., Chen, Z., Buljan, H.Nontrivial coupling of light into a defect: the interplay of nonlinearity and topology(2020) Light: Science and Applications, 9 (1) 147.

8.Zhang, P., Kang, Q., Pei, Y., Wang, Z., Hu, Y., Chen, Z., Xu, J.Unveiling chiral phase evolution in Rabi oscillations from a photonic setting(2020) Physical Review Letters, 125 (12), 123201 .

9.Fei XieMengxin Ren,Wei Wu, Dianqiang Yu,Wei Cai,and Jingjun XuPhase-Transition Optical Activity in Chiral MetamaterialsPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS125,237401 (2020)

10.Ren, M., Cai, W., Xu, J.Tailorable Dynamics in Nonlinear Optical Metasurfaces(2020) Advanced Materials, 32 (3), 1806317.

11.Kong, Y., Bo, F., Wang, W., Zheng, D., Liu, H., Zhang, G., Rupp, R., Xu, J.Recent Progress in Lithium Niobate: Optical Damage, Defect Simulation, and On-Chip Devices(2020) Advanced Materials, 32 (3), 1806452.

12.Chang, P.F., Cao, B.T., Huang, L.G., Li, J.W., Hu, Y., Gao, F., Zhang, W.D., Bo, F., Yu, X.Y., Zhang, G.Q., Xu, J.J.Polarization-modified Fano line shape spectrum with a single whispering gallery mode(2020) Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, 63 (1), 214211.

13.Jia, P., Li, Z., Hu, Y., Chen, Z., Xu, J.Visualizing a Nonlinear Response in a Schrödinger Wave(2019) Physical Review Letters, 123 (23), 234101 .

14.Song, D., Leykam, D., Su, J., Liu, X., Tang, L., Liu, S., Zhao, J., Efremidis, N.K., Xu, J., Chen, Z.Valley Vortex States and Degeneracy Lifting via Photonic Higher-Band Excitation(2019) Physical Review Letters, 122 (12),123903.

15.Bofeng Gao, Mengxin Ren, Wei Wu, Hui Hu, Wei Cai, Jingjun Xu:Lithium Niobate Metasurfaces. Laser & Photonics Review 04/2019; 13(5):1800312.




                         许京军  诚邀 2020.11.11  






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