

学位: 博士

毕业院校: 南开大学

邮件: kongxt@nankai.edu.cn

办公地点: 五教418




  • 部门: 物理学院
  • 性别:
  • 出生年月:
  • 专业技术职务: 副教授
  • 研究标签:
  • 毕业院校: 南开大学
  • 学位: 博士
  • 学历:
  • 联系电话:
  • 电子邮箱: kongxt@nankai.edu.cn
  • 办公地址: 五教418
  • 通讯地址: 天津市南开区卫津路94号南开大学五教418
  • 邮编: 300071
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✨ 2021-01-11至现在,南开大学(天津),物理科学学院,副教授

✨ 2018-08-01至2019-07-31,University of Washington(Seattle, WA, USA),Department of Chemistry,Research Associate,Tutor: Prof. David J. Masiello

✨ 2015-09-12至2018-07-31,Ohio University(Athens, OH, USA),Department of Physics and Astronomy, Visiting Postdoctoral Researcher,Tutor: Prof. Alexander O. Govorov

✨ 2015-06-18至2018-10-12,电子科技大学(四川,成都),博士后,合作导师:王志明教授

✨ 2013-07-03至2015-05-07,国家纳米科学中心(北京),博士后,合作导师:戴庆研究员


✨ 2008-09-01至2013-06-20,就读于南开大学光学专业,2013年6月博士研究生毕业,获得理学博士学位,导师:田建国教授

✨ 2004-08-30至2008-07-10,就读于东北大学应用物理学专业,2008年7月大学本科毕业,获得理学学士学位













  1. Kong, X.-T.; Khorashad, L. K.; Wang, Z.; Govorov, A. O. Photothermal Circular Dichroism Induced by Plasmon Resonances in Chiral Metamaterial Absorbers and Bolometers. Nano Lett. 2018, 18, 2001–2008.

  2. Kong, X.-T.; Zhao, R.; Wang, Z.; Govorov, A. O. Mid-Infrared Plasmonic Circular Dichroism Generated by Graphene Nanodisk Assemblies. Nano Lett. 2017, 17, 5099–5105.

  3. Kong, X.-T.; Besteiro, L. V.; Wang, Z.; Govorov, A. O. Plasmonic Chirality and Circular Dichroism in Bioassembled and Nonbiological Systems: Theoretical Background and Recent Progress. Adv. Mater. 2020, 32, 1801790.


针对等离激元热电子生成及其在光催化领域的应用,我们提出并发展了复杂结构金属纳米晶体表面热电子生成和注入的理论和一般性计算方法。 具体研究了日光照射下多“热”点纳米晶体表面热电子生成率和金属二氧化钛界面的热电子由金属表面隧穿到二氧化钛的注入率。阐述了金属热电子生成率和注入率对其材料、形状、尺寸的依赖关系。指出了银纳米晶体和小尺度金属纳米晶体在光催化领域的优势。我们在与Temple University的Hai-Lung Dai教授和美国陆军作战能力发展司令部化学生物中心的Brendan G. DeLacy博士合作过程中,将该理论应用于解释附着有银纳米盘的二氧化钛纤维对化学战模拟剂甲基对氧的增强催化分解效应 [J. Phys. Chem. C 2019, 123, 19579-19587];在与西弗吉尼亚大学Nianqiang Wu教授合作中,通过该理论共同阐述了半导体二氧化钛中经由金纳米晶体注入的热电子的非热平衡分布 [ACS Nano 2018, 12, 7117-7126]; 在与美国阿贡国家实验室纳米材料中心Gary P. Wiederrecht博士合作中,将该理论应用于支持近红外狭缝等离激元的金属超表面结构中,解释了其超宽带热电子生成增强效应 [Nat. Commun. 2017, 8, 986];在与西班牙维哥大学(Universidade de Vigo)的Miguel A. Correa-Duarte教授合作中,应用该理论解释了各向异性等离激元纳米晶体在二氧化钛光催化反应中的增强催化作用 [J. Phys. Chem. C 2016, 120, 11690-11699] 以及提供了通过控制热点空间分布以实时调控光催化效率的理论机制 [ChemCatChem 2018, 10, 1867-3880]。


  1. Kong, X.-T.; Wang, Z.; Govorov, A. O. Plasmonic Nanostars with Hot Spots for Efficient Generation of Hot Electrons Under Solar Illumination. Adv. Opt. Mater. 2017, 5 (15), 1600594.

  2. Besteiro, L. V.; Kong, X.-T.; Wang, Z.; Hartland, G.; Govorov, A. O. Understanding Hot-Electron Generation and Plasmon Relaxation in Metal Nanocrystals: Quantum and Classical Mechanisms. ACS Photonics 2017, 4 (11), 2759–2781.


在石墨烯光学研究领域,我们研究了石墨烯等离激元在非平整介面的传播特性,论证了通过设计非极性介质凹槽基底以减小石墨烯等离激元传播损耗同时避免等离激元和基底声子耦合的可行性 [Opt. Lett. 2015, 40, 1-4];分析了偏压下非均匀费米面分布对石墨烯纳米结构等离激元特性的影响 [Opt. Lett. 2014, 39, 1345-1348];设计了石墨烯菲涅尔片透镜,并论证了可见光波段石墨烯菲涅尔片的聚光能力 [ACS Photonics 2015, 2, 200-207]。这些工作是在可见光和中红外波段应用石墨烯材料于光学探测、超薄超轻器件的基础性研究工作,为相应的应用研究创造了基础。尤其,我们设计出的石墨烯透镜为二维材料组成,是世界上最薄的透镜,因此被学术媒体广泛报导,例如Chemical and Engineering News 2015, 93(6), 25


  1. Kong, X.-T.; Bai, B.; Dai, Q. Graphene Plasmon Propagation on Corrugated Silicon Substrates. Opt. Lett. 2015, 40 (1), 1–4.

  2. Kong, X.-T.; Yang, X.; Li, Z.; Dai, Q.; Qiu, X. Plasmonic Extinction of Gated Graphene Nanoribbon Array Analyzed by a Scaled Uniform Fermi Level. Opt. Lett. 2014, 39 (6), 1345–1348.

  3. Kong, X.-T.; Khan, A. A.; Kidambi, P. R.; Deng, S.; Yetisen, A. K.; Dlubak, B.; Hiralal, P.; Montelongo, Y.; Bowen, J.; Xavier, S.; Jiang, K.; Amaratunga, G. A. J.; Hofmann, S.; Wilkinson, T. D.; Dai, Q.; Butt, H. Graphene-Based Ultrathin Flat Lenses. ACS Photonics 2015, 2 (2), 200–207.


我们根据变换光学理论,在对金属等离激元波导进行全面的模式分析基础上 [Opt. Express 2012, 20, 12133],提出了金属等离激元波导中模式转换器的设计理论 [Opt. Express 2013, 21, 9437-9446];分析复杂金属纳米结构的等离激元共振特性(如铜纳米杯在近红外波段的光学吸收特性 [ACS Photonics 2017, 4 (11), 2881]、双层金属'纳米指甲'在可见光的透射性质 [Nanoscale 2020, 12, 3827]);利用等离激元耦合效应实现局域化温度控制 [ACS Nano 2019, 13(8), 9655];研究等离激元纳米颗粒在中红外光谱学 [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2020, 117, 2288 ,Phys. Rev. B 2020, 101, 085409] 和隔离红外辐射 [Nano Lett. 2018, 18, 3147] 等领域的应用。


  1. Kong, X.-T.; Yan, W.-G.; Li, Z.-B.; Tian, J.-G. Optical Properties of Metal-Multi-Insulator-Metal Plasmonic Waveguides. Opt. Express 2012, 20, 12133.

  2. Kong, X.-T.; Li, Z.-B.; Tian, J.-G. Mode Converter in Metal-Insulator-Metal Plasmonic Waveguide Designed by Transformation Optics. Opt. Express 2013, 21 (8), 9437.


我们的研究工作还涉及到近红外胶体量子点荧光性质 [Adv. Sci. 2018, 5, 1800656Adv. Energy Mater. 2018, 8, 1701432]、氧化锌-氨基酸共结晶体中的量子局域效应 [J. Phys. Chem. C 2018, 122, 6348]、硅纳米结构周期阵列的光学性质 [Appl. Phys. Lett. 2014, 105, 053108] 以及应用于光学传感的石墨烯线性光学性质研究 [Sci. Rep. 2012, 2, 908]。



1141CPTD0001大学物理学基础 Ⅳ年级:2020级,院系:生命科学学院42中文3210-1675周一10:00-11:40;
1157CPTD0002大学物理学基础 Ⅲ年级:2020级,院系:医学院,周恩来政府管理学院,药学院3.52中文321-931周二周四10:00-11:40;
3356PHYS0110基础物理实验(一)年级:2020级,专业:物理(伯苓班), 理科试验班(数理科学与大数据)42中文64 2-17143物理实验中的COMSOL模拟;









Google Scholar h-index: 19, as of October 2021.

43Ma, C.; Yu, P.; Wang, W.; Zhu, Y.; Lin, F.; Wang, J.; Jing, Z.; Kong, X.-T.; Li, P.; Govorov, A.O.; Liu, D.; Xu, H. & Wang, Z.Chiral Optofluidics with a Plasmonic Metasurface Using the Photothermal Effect2021ACS Nano
Vol. 15(10), pp. 16357-16367
42Besteiro, L. V.; Kong, X.-T.; Wang, Z.M. & Govorov, A. O.Theory of Plasmonic Excitations2021Plasmonic Catalysis, pp. 1-35
41Alam, M. K.; Niu, C.; Wang, Y.; Wang, W.; Li, Y.; Dai, C.; Tong, T.; Shan, X.; Charlson, E.; Pei, S.; Kong, X.-T.; Hu, Y.; Belyanin, A.; Stein, G.; Liu, Z.; Hu, J.; Wang, Z. & Bao, J.Large graphene-induced shift of surface-plasmon resonances of gold films: Effective-medium theory for atomically thin materials2020Phys. Rev. Research
Vol. 2(1), pp. 013008
40Aleshire, K.; Pavlovetc, I. M.; Collette, R.; Kong, X.-T.; Rack, P. D.; Zhang, S.; Masiello, D. J.; Camden, J. P.; Hartland, G. V. & Kuno, M.Far-field midinfrared superresolution imaging and spectroscopy of single high aspect ratio gold nanowires2020Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Vol. 117(5), pp. 2288-2293
39Kong, X.-T.; Besteiro, L. V.; Wang, Z. & Govorov, A. O.Plasmonic Chirality and Circular Dichroism in Bioassembled and Nonbiological Systems: Theoretical Background and Recent Progress2020Adv. Mater.
Vol. 32(41), pp. 1801790
38Librizzi, P.; Biswas, A.; Chang, R.; Kong, X.-T.; Moocarme, M.; Ahuja, G.; Kretzschmar, I. & Vuong, L. T.Broadband chiral hybrid plasmon modes on nanofingernail substrates2020Nanoscale
Vol. 12(6), pp. 3827-3833
37Santiago, E. Y.; Besteiro, L. V.; Kong, X.-T.; Correa-Duarte, M. A.; Wang, Z. & Govorov, A. O.Efficiency of Hot-Electron Generation in Plasmonic Nanocrystals with Complex Shapes: Surface-Induced Scattering, Hot Spots, and Interband Transitions2020ACS Photonics
Vol. 7(10), pp. 2807-2824
36Wu, Y.; Hu, Z.; Kong, X.-T.; Idrobo, J. C.; Nixon, A. G.; Rack, P. D.; Masiello, D. J. & Camden, J. P.Infrared plasmonics: STEM-EELS characterization of Fabry-Pérot resonance damping in gold nanowires2020Phys. Rev. B
Vol. 101(8), pp. 085409
35Bhattacharjee, U.; West, C. A.; Jebeli, S. A. H.; Goldwyn, H. J.; Kong, X.-T.; Hu, Z.; Beutler, E. K.; Chang, W.-S.; Willets, K. A.; Link, S. & Masiello, D. J.Active Far-Field Control of the Thermal Near-Field via Plasmon Hybridization2019ACS Nano
Vol. 13(8), pp. 9655-9663
34Kuhn, D. L.; Zander, Z.; Kulisiewicz, A. M.; Debow, S. M.; Haffey, C.; Fang, H.; Kong, X.-T.; Qian, Y.; Walck, S. D.; Govorov, A. O.; Rao, Y.; Dai, H.-L. & DeLacy, B. G.Fabrication of Anisotropic Silver Nanoplatelets on the Surface of TiO2 Fibers for Enhanced Photocatalysis of a Chemical Warfare Agent Simulant, Methyl Paraoxon2019J. Phys Chem C
Vol. 123(32), pp. 19579-19587
33Urban, M. J.; Shen, C.; Kong, X.-T.; Zhu, C.; Govorov, A. O.; Wang, Q.; Hentschel, M. & Liu, N.Chiral Plasmonic Nanostructures Enabled by Bottom-Up Approaches2019Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem.
Vol. 70(1), pp. 275-299
32Besteiro, L. V.; Kong, X.-T.; Wang, Z.; Rosei, F. & Govorov, A. O.Plasmonic Glasses and Films Based on Alternative Inexpensive Materials for Blocking Infrared Radiation2018Nano Lett.
Vol. 18(5), pp. 3147-3156
31Cushing, S. K.; Chen, C.-J.; Dong, C. L.; Kong, X.-T.; Govorov, A. O.; Liu, R.-S. & Wu, N.Tunable Nonthermal Distribution of Hot Electrons in a Semiconductor Injected from a Plasmonic Gold Nanostructure2018ACS Nano
Vol. 12(7), pp. 7117-7126
30Kong, X.-T.; Khorashad, L. K.; Wang, Z. & Govorov, A. O.Photothermal Circular Dichroism Induced by Plasmon Resonances in Chiral Metamaterial Absorbers and Bolometers2018Nano Lett.
Vol. 18, pp. 2001-2008
29Muhammed, M. A. H.; Lamers, M.; Baumann, V.; Dey, P.; Blanch, A. J.; Polishchuk, I.; Kong, X.-T.; Levy, D.; Urban, A. S.; Govorov, A. O.; Pokroy, B.; Rodr\iguez-Fernández, J. & Feldmann, J.Strong Quantum Confinement Effects and Chiral Excitons in Bio-Inspired ZnO–Amino Acid Cocrystals2018J. Phys. Chem. C
Vol. 122(11), pp. 6348-6356
28Negr\in-Montecelo, Y.; Comesaña-Hermo, M.; Kong, X.-T.; Rodr\iguez-González, B.; Wang, Z.; Pérez-Lorenzo, M.; Govorov, A. O. & Correa-Duarte, M. A.Traveling Hot Spots in Plasmonic Photocatalysis: Manipulating Interparticle Spacing for Real-Time Control of Electron Injection2018ChemCatChem
Vol. 10(7), pp. 1561-1565
27Tong, X.; Kong, X.-T.; Wang, C.; Zhou, Y.; Navarro-Pardo, F.; Barba, D.; Ma, D.; Sun, S.; Govorov, A. O.; Zhao, H.; Wang, Z. M. & Rosei, F.Optoelectronic Properties in Near-Infrared Colloidal Heterostructured Pyramidal “Giant” Core/Shell Quantum Dots2018Adv. Sci.
Vol. 5(8), pp. 1800656
26Tong, X.; Kong, X.-T.; Zhou, Y.; Navarro-Pardo, F.; Selopal, G. S.; Sun, S.; Govorov, A. O.; Zhao, H.; Wang, Z. M. & Rosei, F.Near-Infrared, Heavy Metal-Free Colloidal 'Giant' Core/Shell Quantum Dots2018Adv. Energy Mater.
Vol. 8(2), pp. 1701432
25Besteiro, L. V.; Kong, X.-T.; Wang, Z.; Hartland, G. & Govorov, A. O.Understanding Hot-Electron Generation and Plasmon Relaxation in Metal Nanocrystals: Quantum and Classical Mechanisms2017ACS Photonics
Vol. 4(11), pp. 2759-2781
24Kong, X.-T.; Wang, Z. & Govorov, A. O.Plasmonic Nanostars with Hot Spots for Efficient Generation of Hot Electrons under Solar Illumination2017Adv. Opt. Mater.
Vol. 5(15), pp. 1600594
23Kong, X.-T.; Zhao, R.; Wang, Z. & Govorov, A. O.Mid-infrared Plasmonic Circular Dichroism Generated by Graphene Nanodisk Assemblies2017Nano Lett.
Vol. 17(8), pp. 5099-5105
22Qin, Y.; Kong, X.-T.; Wang, Z.; Govorov, A. O. & Kortshagen, U. R.Near-Infrared Plasmonic Copper Nanocups Fabricated by Template-Assisted Magnetron Sputtering2017ACS Photonics
Vol. 4(11), pp. 2881-2890
21Sykes, M. E.; Stewart, J. W.; Akselrod, G. M.; Kong, X.-T.; Wang, Z.; Gosztola, D. J.; Martinson, A. B. F.; Rosenmann, D.; Mikkelsen, M. H.; Govorov, A. O. & Wiederrecht, G. P.Enhanced generation and anisotropic Coulomb scattering of hot electrons in an ultra-broadband plasmonic nanopatch metasurface2017Nat. Commun.
Vol. 8(1), pp. 986
20Yan, X.-Q.; Liu, F.; Kong, X.-T.; Yao, J.; Zhao, X.; Liu, Z.-B. & Tian, J.-G.Polarization dependence of graphene transient optical response: interplay between incident direction and anisotropic distribution of nonequilibrium carriers2017J. Opt. Soc. Am. B
Vol. 34(1), pp. 218-226
19Sousa-Castillo, A.; Comesaña-Hermo, M.; Rodr\iguez-González, B.; Pérez-Lorenzo, M.; Wang, Z.; Kong, X.-T.; Govorov, A. O. & Correa-Duarte, M. A.Boosting Hot Electron-Driven Photocatalysis through Anisotropic Plasmonic Nanoparticles with Hot Spots in Au–TiO2 Nanoarchitectures2016J. Phys. Chem. C
Vol. 120(21), pp. 11690-11699
18Gao, C.; Zhao, X.; Yao, J.; Yan, X.-Q.; Kong, X.-T.; Chen, Y.; Liu, Z.-B. & Tian, J.-G.Sign of differential reflection and transmission in pump-probe spectroscopy of graphene on dielectric substrate2015Photon. Res.
Vol. 3(2), pp. A1-A9
17Kong, X.-T.; Bai, B. & Dai, Q.Graphene plasmon propagation on corrugated silicon substrates2015Opt. Lett.
Vol. 40(1), pp. 1-4
16Kong, X.-T.; Khan, A. A.; Kidambi, P. R.; Deng, S.; Yetisen, A. K.; Dlubak, B.; Hiralal, P.; Montelongo, Y.; Bowen, J.; Xavier, S.; Jiang, K.; Amaratunga, G. A. J.; Hofmann, S.; Wilkinson, T. D.; Dai, Q. & Butt, H.Graphene-Based Ultrathin Flat Lenses2015ACS Photonics
Vol. 2(2), pp. 200-207
15Yang, X.-X.; Kong, X.-T. & Dai, Q.Optical properties of graphene plasmons and their potential applications2015物理学报 Acta Phys. Sinica
Vol. 64(10), pp. 106801
14Yang, X.; Kong, X.-T.; Bai, B.; Li, Z.; Hu, H.; Qiu, X. & Dai, Q.Substrate Phonon-Mediated Plasmon Hybridization in Coplanar Graphene Nanostructures for Broadband Plasmonic Circuits2015Small
Vol. 11, pp. 591-596
13Yao, J.; Zhao, X.; Yan, X.-Q.; Kong, X.-T.; Gao, C.; Chen, X.-D.; Chen, Y.; Liu, Z.-B. & Tian, J.-G.Making transient optical reflection of graphene polarization dependent2015Opt. Express
Vol. 23(19), pp. 24177
12Kong, Xiangtian; Li, Zubin & Tian, JianguoMode Converter in Insulator-Metal-Insulator Plasmonic Waveguide Designed by Transformation Optics2014南开大学学报(自然科学版) Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Nankaiensis
Vol. 47(2), pp. 9-17
11Kong, X.-T.; Butt, H.; Yetisen, A. K.; Kangwanwatana, C.; Montelongo, Y.; Deng, S.; Cruz Vasconcellos, F. d.; Qasim, M. M.; Wilkinson, T. D. & Dai, Q.Enhanced reflection from inverse tapered nanocone arrays2014Appl. Phys. Lett.
Vol. 105(5), pp. 053108
10Kong, X.-T.; Yang, X.; Li, Z.; Dai, Q. & Qiu, X.Plasmonic extinction of gated graphene nanoribbon array analyzed by a scaled uniform Fermi level2014Opt. Lett.
Vol. 39(6), pp. 1345-1348
9Kong, X.-T.; Li, Z.-B. & Tian, J.-G.Mode converter in metal-insulator-metal plasmonic waveguide designed by transformation optics2013Opt. Express
Vol. 21(8), pp. 9437
8Yan, W.-G.; Kong, X.-T.; Li, Z.-B. & Tian, J.-G.Nanostructure Fabricated by Nanosphere Lithography Assisted with O2 Plasma Treatment2013J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.
Vol. 13, pp. 4311-4315
7Yan, W.-G.; Ying, C.-F.; Kong, X.-T.; Li, Z.-B. & Tian, J.-G.Fabrication and Optical Properties of Inclined Au Nanocup Arrays2013Plasmonics
Vol. 8(4), pp. 1607-1611
6Ye, Q.; Wang, J.; Liu, Z.; Deng, Z.-C.; Kong, X.-T.; Xing, F.; Chen, X.-D.; Zhou, W.-Y.; Zhang, C.-P. & Tian, J.-G.Polarization-dependent optical absorption of graphene under total internal reflection2013Appl. Phys. Lett.
Vol. 102(2), pp. 021912
5Kong, X.-T.; Yan, W.-G.; Li, Z.-B. & Tian, J.-G.Optical properties of metal-multi-insulator-metal plasmonic waveguides2012Opt. Express
Vol. 20, pp. 12133
4Xing, F.; Liu, Z.-B.; Deng, Z.-C.; Kong, X.-T.; Yan, X.-Q.; Chen, X.-D.; Ye, Q.; Zhang, C.-P.; Chen, Y.-S. & Tian, J.-G.Sensitive Real-Time Monitoring of Refractive Indexes Using a Novel Graphene-Based Optical Sensor2012Sci. Rep.
Vol. 2(1), pp. 908
3Li, Z.-B.; Zhou, W.-Y.; Kong, X.-T. & Tian, J.-G.Polarization dependence and independence of near-field enhancement through a subwavelength circle hole2010Opt. Express
Vol. 18, pp. 5854
2Li, Z.-B.; Yang, Y.-H.; Kong, X.-T.; Zhou, W.-Y. & Tian, J.-G.Fabry–Perot resonance in slit and grooves to enhance the transmission through a single subwavelength slit2009J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt.
Vol. 11, pp. 105002
1Li, Z.-B.; Yang, Y.-H.; Kong, X.-T.; Zhou, W.-Y. & Tian, J.-G.Enhanced transmission through a subwavelength slit surrounded by periodic dielectric bars above the metal surface2008J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt.
Vol. 10, pp. 095202


✨Oral presentation. 孔祥天, 手性金属纳米结构的光学热效应及其应用. 中科院纳米光子材料与器件重点实验室(筹)第2期学术会议, 北京 (April 13, 2021).

✨Oral presentation. 孔祥天, 手性金属纳米结构的光学热效应及其应用. 第九届能源与纳米材料开放研讨会, 成都 (October 9-11, 2020).

✨Oral presentation. Xiang-Tian Kong, Zhiming Wang, Alexander Govorov, Design of in-plane graphene metasurfaces for generating strong mid-infrared circular dichroism. 2018 APS March Meeting, H12.00002, Los Angeles, California (March 5-9, 2018).

✨Oral presentation. Xiang-Tian Kong, Zhiming Wang, Alexander Govorov, Hot Electrons Generated by Nano-Gap Plasmons in the Near-Infrared Spectral Interval. 2017 MRS fall meeting and exhibition, NM06.11.06, Boston, MA (November 26 - December 1, 2017).

✨Invited. Xiang-Tian Kong, Zhiming Wang, Alexander O. Govorov, Generation of Hot Electrons Using Plasmonic Nanostars for Photocatalysis. XXVI International Materials Research Congress 2017, SB.3-O003, Cancun, Mexico (August 19-25, 2017).

✨Oral presentation. X.-T. Kong, R. Zhao, Z. Wang, A. O. Govorov, Strong Mid-Infrared Circular Dichroism Generated by Graphene Nanodisk Assemblies. XXVI International Materials Research Congress 2017, SA.3-O015, Cancun, Mexico (August 19-25, 2017).

✨Oral presentation. Xiang-Tian Kong, Strong Mid-Infrared Circular Dichroism Generated by Graphene Nanodisk Assemblies. Ohio University Postdoctoral Symposium 2017, Athens, OH (April 26, 2017).

✨Oral presentation. Xiang-Tian Kong, Zhiming Wang, Alexander Govorov, Generation of Hot Electrons Using Plasmonic Nanostars. 2016 MRS fall meeting and exhibition, EM7.3.02, Boston, MA (November 27 - December 2, 2016).

