教育经历分别于2003、2006、2008年在南开大学数学学院获得本科、硕士、博士学位。 工作经历2009年入职南开大学,2011和2013年晋升副教授和教授。 个人简介研究领域Change-Point and Outlier Detection; Machine Learning; High-Dimensional Inference; Predictive Inference 教学工作讲授《高等统计I、II》、《统计大样本理论》、《统计计算》、《非参数统计》、《数据科学导论》等课程 科研项目部分主持的项目:
2. 科技部重点研发计划项目课题, 数据流的动态在线统计推断理论与方法, 2023-01至2027-12 3. 国家自然科学基金委杰出青年科学基金项目, 大规模数据统计推断, 2020-01至2024-12 4. 国家自然科学基金委重大项目课题, 超高维数据的统计学习与推断, 2017-01至2021-12 5. 国家自然科学基金委优秀青年科学基金项目, 统计过程监控与诊断, 2017-01至2019-12 论文著作近五年代表性论文: Shi, L., Wang, G. and Zou, C.“Low-rank matrix estimation in the presence of change-points”, JMLR, to appear Cui, X., Geng, H., Wang, Z. and Zou, C. “Robust estimation of high-dimensional linear regression with changepoints. IEEE Tran. Inform. Theory online available Bao, Y., Huo, Y., Ren, H. and Zou, C.“Selective conformal inference with FCR control”, Biometrika, online available Guo, X., Li, R., Zhang, Z. and Zou, C. “Model-free statistical inference on high-dimensional data”, JASA, online available Wu, X., Huo, Y., Ren, H. and Zou, C.“Optimal subsampling via predictive inference”, JASA, online available Geng,H., Cui,X., Ren,H, and Zou, C. “Large-scale two-sample comparison of support sets”, JASA, 119, 1604-1618, 2024 Cui, X., Shi, L., Zhong, W. and Zou, C.“Robust high-dimensional low-rank matrix estimation: optimal rate and data-adaptive tuning”, JMLR, 24 (350), 1-57, 2023 Guo, X., Ren, H., Zou, C. and Li, R. “Threshold selection in feature screening for error rate control”JASA, 118, 1773-1785, 2023 Chen, H., Ren, H., Yao, F. and Zou, C.“Data-driven selection of the number of change-points via error rate control”, JASA, 118, 1415-1428, 2023 Du, L., Guo, X., Sun, W. and Zou, C. “False discovery rate Control under general dependence by symmetrized data aggregation”, JASA, 118, 607-621, 2023 Ren, H., Zou,C., Chen, N. and Li, R. “Large-Scale datastreams surveillance via pattern-oriented-sampling”, JASA, 117, 794-808, 2022 Zou, C., Ke, Y. and Zhang, W. “Estimation of low rank high dimensional multivariate linear models for multi-response Data”, JASA, 117, 693-703, 2022 Zou, C., Wang, G., and Li, R. “Consistent selection of the number of change-points via sample-splitting”, Annals of Statistics, 48, 413-439, 2020 Qian, C., Quoc, T-D., Fu, S., Zou, C., and Liu Y. “Robust multicategory support matrix machine”, Mathematical Programming, 176, 429-463, 2019 学术交流荣誉奖励学术成果 |