教育经历2018年8月-2019年8月 硕士 德州农工大学 2016年9月-2021年6月 博士 中国人民大学 工作经历
2021年7月至今 南开大学统计与数据科学学院 讲师
个人简介研究领域非参数统计,因果推断 开授课程2021-2022秋季学期 本科生 数学分析I习题课 2021-2021春季学期 研究生 随机过程 科研项目1. Ai C., Huang L. and Zhang Z. (2020). A Mann-Whitney Test of Distributional Effects in A Multivalued Treatment. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 209,85-100. 2. Ai C., Huang L. and Zhang Z. (2022). A Simple and Efficient Estimation of Average Treatment Effects in Models with Unmeasured Confounders. Statistica Sinica. 32(3) 3. Huang L. and Zhang Z. (2022). Nonparametric Estimation of General Mediation Effects by Calibration Weighting. Submitted. Working Papers Huang L. and Zhang Z. (2022). The Granger noncausilty test with mutual information. Huang L. and Zhang Z. (2022). Efficient estimation of ATE with Distributional balancing. 论文专著1. Ai C., Huang L. and Zhang Z. (2020). A Mann-Whitney Test of Distributional Effects in A Multivalued Treatment. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 209,85-100. 2. Ai C., Huang L. and Zhang Z. (2022). A Simple and Efficient Estimation of Average Treatment Effects in Models with Unmeasured Confounders. Statistica Sinica. 32(3) 3. Huang L. and Zhang Z. (2022). Nonparametric Estimation of General Mediation Effects by Calibration Weighting. Submitted. Working Papers Huang L. and Zhang Z. (2022). The Granger noncausilty test with mutual information. Huang L. and Zhang Z. (2022). Efficient estimation of ATE with Distributional balancing. 学术交流荣誉奖励学术成果 |