
Zubin Li


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  • Tel: 23499981
  • Email: zbli@nankai.edu.cn
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Zubin Li, professor, received his PhD degree from School of Physics of Nankai University in 2006 and stayed on as a teacher from then on. His researches mainly focus on nano-optics, especially the special optical properties and applications of nano-structures with the assistance of surface plasmon. He has published more than twenty papers in scientific journals, which have been cited more than 140 times. His researches have been supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, Tianjin Natural Science Foundation, and other foundations.

Research Fields

My research field is Plasmonics including:

Subwavelength apertures

Surface plasmon waveguide

Field enhancement by metal nano-structures

Phase control by nano-structures

Nanosphere lithography

Graphene Plasmonics



National Natural Science Foundation of China

Tianjin Natural ScienceFoundation

Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education

Chinese National Key Basic Research Special Fund


  1. ZubinLi, Kan Yao, Fengnian Xia, Sheng Shen, Jianguo Tian, and Yongmin Liu,Graphene Plasmonic Metasurfaces to Steer Infrared Light, Sci. Rep.5, 12423 (2015).

  2. Wei-GuoYan, Zu-Bin Li,* andJian-Guo Tian,* “Tunable Fabrication and Optical Properties of MetalNano Hole Arrays,” J. Nanosci.Nanotechnol. 15, 1704-1707(2015).

  3. Wei-GuoYan, Ji-Wei Qi, Zu-Bin Li,*Jian-Guo Tian,* “Fabrication and Optical Properties of Au-CoatedPolystyrene Nanosphere Arrays with Controlled Gaps,” Plasmonics9, 565-571(2014).

  4. Xiang-TianKong, Zu-Bin Li,* andJian-Guo Tian, “Mode converter in metal-insulator-metal plasmonic waveguidedesigned by transformation optics,” Opt.Express21, 9437 (2013).

  5. Wei-GuoYan, Cui-Feng Ying, Xiang-Tian Kong, Zu-BinLi,* and Jian-Guo Tian,* “Fabrication and OpticalProperties of Inclined Au Nanocup Arrays,” Plasmonics8, 1607-1611 (2013).

  6. Wei-GuoYan, Xiang-Tian Kong, Zu-Bin Li,*and Jian-Guo Tian,* “Nanostructure fabricated by nanospherelithography assisted with O2 plasma treatment,” J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.13,4311 (2013).

  7. Xiang-TianKong, Wei-Guo Yan, Zu-Bin Li,*and Jian-Guo Tian, “Optical properties of metal-multi-insulator-metal plasmonicwaveguides,” Opt. Express20, 12133 (2012).

  8. Zu-Bin Li, Wen-Yuan Zhou,Wei-Guo Yan and Jian-Guo Tian, “Near-field enhancement through a singlesubwavelength aperture with gaps inside,” Plasmonics6, 149 (2011).

  9. Zu-Bin Li, Wen-Yuan Zhou,Xiang-Tian Kong, and Jian-Guo Tian, “Polarization dependence and independenceof near-field enhancement through a subwavelength circle hole,” Opt. Express.18, 5854 (2010).

  10. Zu-Bin Li, Yi-Hong Yang,Xiang-Tian Kong, Wen-Yuan Zhou, Jian-Guo Tian, “Fabry-Perot resonance in slitand grooves in the enhanced transmission through a single subwavelength slit,” J. Opt. A11, 105002 (2009).

  11. Zu-Bin Li, Yi-Hong Yang,Xiang-Tian Kong, Wen-Yuan Zhou and Jian-Guo Tian, “Enhanced transmissionthrough a subwavelength slit surrounded by periodic dielectric bars above themetal surface,” J. Opt. A10, 095202 (2008).

  12. Zu-Bin Li, Jian-Guo Tian,Wen-Yuan Zhou, Wei-Ping Zang, Chun-Ping Zhang, “Enhanced and confined lighttransmission through a funnel-type aperture with a sub-wavelength outlet,” Opt. Commun.281, 2321 (2008).

  13. Zu-Bin Li, Jian-Guo Tian,Wen-Yuan Zhou, Wei-Ping Zang, and Chunping Zhang, “Periodic dielectric barsassisted transmission enhancement and directional light emission from a singlesubwavelength slit,” Opt. Express.14, 8037 (2006).

  14. Zu-Bin Li, Jian-Guo Tian,Wen-Yuan Zhou, Zhi-Bo Liu, Wei-Ping Zang, “Effect of groove periodicity on theenhanced transmission through a single subwavelength slit,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B23, 1517 (2006).

  15. Zu-Bin Li, Jian-Guo Tian,Wen-Yuan Zhou, Zhi-Bo Liu, Wei-Ping Zang, and Chun-Ping Zhang, “Highlydirectional emission from a subwavelength slit in metal-dielectric layeredfilms,” Chin. Phys. Lett.23, 1207 (2006).

  16. Zu-Bin Li, Jian-Guo Tian,Zhi-Bo Liu, Wen-Yuan Zhou, and Chun-Ping Zhang, “Enhanced light transmissionthrough a single subwavelength aperture in layered films consisting of metaland dielectric,” Opt. Express.13, 9071 (2005).

  17. Wei-GuoYan,* Chun-Li Luo, Jian Zhao, Mei-Li Guo, Qing Ye, Zu-Bin Li, Jian-Guo Tian,* “Fabricationof Au nanoparticle composite TiO2 shell arrays by controlled decomposition ofpolymer particles,” Superlattices andMicrostructures75, 371–377(2014).

  18. C.-F.Ying, W.-Y. Zhou, Q. Ye, Z.-B. Li,and J.-G. Tian, “Mini-band states in graded periodic 1D photonicsuperstructure,” Appl. Phys. B107, 369-374 (2012).

  19. ShuqiChen, Wenyuan Zhou, Zubin Li, ZhiboLiu, and Jianguo Tian, “Study on z-scan characteristics for light-tunnelingheterostructures composed of one-dimensional photonic band gap material andmetallic film,” J. Electromagn. Waves andAppl. 25, 97–110 (2011).

  20. HuaCheng, Weiping Zang, Ziyu Zhao, Zubin Li,Wenyuan Zhou, and Jianguo Tian, “Non-Paraxial Split-Step Semi-VectorialFinite-Difference Method for Three-Dimensional Wide-Angle Beam Propagation,” Chin. Phys. Lett. 27, 014201 (2010).

  21. HuaCheng, Wei-Ping Zang, Zu-Bin Li,Wen-Yuan Zhou, Jian-Guo Tian, “Non-paraxial split-step method with localone-dimensional scheme for three-dimensional wide-angle beam propagation,” J. Lightwave Technol.27, 2717-2723(2009).

  22. WeiLiu, Jian-Guo Tian, Zu-Bin Li, QingHe, Feng-Yan Li, Chang-Jian Li, and Yun Sun, “Novel in situ resistancemeasurement for the investigation of CIGS growth in a selenization process,” Semicond. Sci. Technol.24, 035019 (2009).

Academic Exchange


Research Achievements


Graduate School:

Email: zbli@nankai.edu.cn

Office Location:

Tel: 23499981


10 Access

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