



  • 部门: 数学科学学院
  • 性别:
  • 出生年月: 1995-04
  • 专业技术职务: 副教授
  • 研究标签:
  • 毕业院校: Royal Holloway, University of London
  • 学位: 博士
  • 学历:
  • 联系电话:
  • 电子邮箱: jd@nankai.edu.cn
  • 办公地址: 天津市南开区卫津路94号南开大学数学科学学院
  • 通讯地址:
  • 邮编: 300071
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2018年9月-2022年6月 伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院 博士 计算机科学 导师:Gregory Gutin教授(主)、Stefanie Gerke教授






艾江东,南开大学数学科学学院,副教授,博士生导师。博士毕业于英国伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院(导师为Gregory Gutin教授,二导为Stefanie Gerke教授)。2023年6月至今任南开大学数学科学学院副教授。





主要研究有向图的结构,如有向图的king、kernel等等,图染色,图定向,以及谱极值,Turan问题等。发表论文十余篇,研究成果发表在SIAM J. Discrete Math, J. Graph Theory 等杂志







1.J. Ai, H. Lei, B. Ning, Y. Shi, Graph operations and a unified method for kinds of Tura´n-type problems on paths, cycles and matchings.

2.J. Ai, S. O, L. Zhang, r-Dynamic colorings in graphs from the spectral radius.

3.J. Ai, F. He, Y. Liu, Solution on strong partition of 2-balanced regular multipartite tournaments. 

4.J. Ai, J. Gao, Z.Xu, X. Yan, Strong Ramsey game on two boards.

5.J. Ai, F. He, Y. Liu, B. Ning, On degree power sum in P_k-free graphs.

6.J. Ai, X. Liu, F. Peng, A variable version of the quasi-kernel conjecture.

7.J. Ai, G. Gutin, H. Lei, A. Yeo, Y, Zhou, Number of Subgraphs and Their Converses in Tournaments and New Digraph Polynomials.

8.J. Ai, F. He, Z. Li, Z. Qin, C. Wang, A complete characterization of split digraphs with a strong arc decomposition.

9.J. Ai, Z. Gao, X. Liu, J. Yue,A short note on spanning even trees.

10..J. Ai, Y. Hao, Z. Li, Q. Shao, Arc-disjoint in- and out-branchings in semicomplete split digraphs.


14.The minimum spectral radius of tP3- or K5-saturated graphs via the number of 2-walks.

Electron. J. Comb. 32(1)

13.Ai, J; Liu, H; Xu, Z; Zhou, Q;

Piercing independent sets in graphs without large induced matching.

Electron. J. Comb. 32(1)

12.Ai, J; Dai, Q; Guo, Q; Hu, Y; Wang, C;

A new perspective from hypertournaments to tournaments.

Discrete Appl. Math.364(2025),136-142

11.Ai, J;Gutin, G;Shi, Y;Yeo, A;

Selected conjectures and open problems on directed graphs.

Adv.Math.(China)53(2024),no. 1,1-12.

10.Ai, J;Im, S;Kim, J;Lee, H;O, S;Zhang, L.

On the spectral radius of graphs with given maximum degree and girth.

Linear Algebra Appl.6912024.182-195.

9.Ai, J;Gerke, S;Gutin, G;Yeo, A;Zhou, Y

Bounds on Maximum Weight Directed Cut.

SIAM J. Discrete Math. 38 (2024), no. 3, 23702391.

8.Ai, J;Gerke, S;Gutin, G;Yeo, A;Wang,S;Zhou, Y

On Seymours and Sullivans second neighbourhood conjectures.

J. GraphTheory(2023),no 3,413-426.

7.Ai, J;Gerke, S;Gutin, G;Yeo, A;Zhou, Y

Results on the small quasi-kernel conjecture.

Discrete Math.346(2023),no. 7,Paper No. 113435, 9 pp.

6.Ai, J;Gerke, S.;Gutin, G.;Lei, H.;Shi, Y

Proper orientation, proper biorientation and semi-proper orientation numbers of graphs.

J. Comb. Optim.45(2023),no. 1,Paper No. 40, 10 pp.

5.Ai, J;Gerke, S;Gutin, G;Zhou, Y

Extended path partition conjecture for semicomplete and acyclic compositions.

Discrete Math.345(2022),no. 11,Paper No. 113019, 6 pp.

4.Ai, J;Gerke, S;Gutin, G

Kings in multipartite hypertournaments.

J. Graph Theory99(2022),no. 1,8289.

3.Ai, J;Gerke, S;Gutin, G;Mafunda, S

Proximity and remoteness in directed and undirected graphs.

Discrete Math.344(2021),no. 3,Paper No. 112252, 7 pp.

2.Ai, J;Gerke, S;Gutin, G;Shi, Y;Taoqiu, Z;

Proper orientation number of triangle-free bridgeless outerplanar graphs.

J. Graph Theory95(2020),no. 2,256266.

1.Ai, J;Lei, H;Shi, Y;Yao, S;Zhang, Z;
    k-ary spanning trees contained in tournaments.

Discrete Appl. Math.285(2020),141146.



25/11,2023-05/2,2024 Institute for Basic Science, Korea

Invited Talks 

01/6, 2022 One-Day Meeting in Combinatorics, Mathematical Institude, University of Oxford, UK.

13/5, 2022 Combinatorics Lectures Online, UK.
11/5-12/5, 2022 2022 Colloquia in Combinatorics, UK.
09/9-10/9, 2021 Heilbronn Annual Conference, UK.
15/7-16/7, 2021 British Early Career Mathematicians’ Colloquium, UK.
08/6-10/6, 2020 The 21st Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization,  UK.

Contributed Talks 

31/10–03/11, 2023 the 3rd East Asia Workshop on Extremal and Structural Graph Theory,  Okinawa, Japan.

12/10–15/10, 2023 GTCA, Kunming, China.
24/07–28/07, 2023 ORSC, Taiyuan, China.
23/06–28/06, 2023 International Symposium on Graph Theory and Combinatorial Mathematics,  Xi’an, China.
16/3, 2022 Departmental seminar-colloquium, UK.
03/7, 2019 Computer Science ’Cake Talk’, UK. 




学位: 博士

毕业院校: Royal Holloway, University of London

邮件: jd@nankai.edu.cn

办公地点: 天津市南开区卫津路94号南开大学数学科学学院


出生年月: 1995-04

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